The One Ring

Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons
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Author:  Chivs [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons

Dear All

I'm a recent convert to the game, and have now got my Gondor army painted up and ready to go. After becoming somewhat jaded with 40k, LotR has provided a most refreshing alternative. My 4th, and most recent, game lasted for 8 hours and my opponent and I enoyed every moment of it, and it remained tense and close until its final conclusion.

Over the course of games though and wider reading, I have got a couple of questions that I hope that the community can help me with.

1. The Command Spell and 'Enemies'

The Hobbit rulebooks state that when moving enemies under the command spell, that you can "even make it charge an enemy". Does this refer to an enemy to the model (ie someone on your own side) or one of your enemies (ie someone on his side). My question can be illustrated in 2 scenarios below:

A. Gandalf casts command on an uruk hai banner waver, and forces him to charge Boromir (where he will hopefully be killed easily).

B. Gandalf casts command on an uruk hai beserker, and forces him to charge Saruman, in the hopes of killing his master.

Which of these scenarios are correct? If scenario 2 is allowed, is there a way for Saruman to avoid striking the Uruk Hai if he wins the fight?

2. Siege Weapons in regular games

Is there a common code of conduct for siege weaponry only being restricted to siege scenarios, or are these freely available for use in regular games? Whilst it is hard to justify the presence of a battlecry trebuchet outside of a major city, the avenger bolt thrower looks portable and I can see these being set up in an advantageous position during any campaign (in fact I'm surprised just how small the models are that arrived in the post today!).

Do people often take siege weaponry in any of the scenarios featured at the back of the Goblin Town rulebook? It looks to my mind a slightly risky tactic due to the placement of warbands being random; I can foresee situations where your siege weaponry is forced to deploy closer to the enemy than you would like. All of the games of LotR I've played thus far have used a pitched battle deployment; are there other scenarios where this is the norm, or do all use random deployment?


Chivs :boromir

Author:  Bernardo [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons

Option A is correct,
and you can use siege weapons anytime you like.
But they will not be efficient at all because there is generally not much shooting anymore in a game. But ofcourse in sieges it is really handy.

Author:  Hodush [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons

Option A, I am 99% sure there is NO model or NO way in the game that you can get someone's model to fight someone from the same side - the exception is the Mumak with trample.

Siege weapons are open to use in any games. We used to deploy on board edges, but with the warband rules you can deploy up to half way across the field, so there is less archery & ranged weapons these days. The avenger is still good, but most siege weapons are quite a gamble to take as they are quite expensive.

Deployment is pretty much the same for each game - there are a few different types of matches where you deploy differently. All the scenarios have different deployment also.

Author:  Khan_gfn [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons

Hodush wrote:
Option A, I am 99% sure there is NO model or NO way in the game that you can get someone's model to fight someone from the same side - the exception is the Mumak with trample.

Looks like you missed Denethor and Thrain the Broken. :)

Author:  Chivs [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons

And Gollum.

Thanks for the responses. Disappointed to hear about the scenario deployment. I bought the Mines of Moria rulebook when I got my first figures a year ago (as it was very cheap) and only recently got the Hobbit book. I've been happy with all the changes that I'd noticed, apart from that one. I don't like randomness for the sake of it, and this seems to be a typical GW example of that. Playing some games might change my opinion, but I'd rather have control over where my army deploys.

Author:  First Ager Smith [ Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons

What about Sharky and Worm too?

Author:  Hodush [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Beginner Questions: Command Spell and Siege Weapons

Yes, all the other names mentioned are correct. I was referring to the use of the Command spell to attack "friendlies" otherwise you can include evil archers, kardush, the great beast and others I am sure.

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