CTBowes wrote:
So I have a few questions,
Are rangers (dwarvan or gondorian) viable in competitive or will an army build around them get stomped?
How much better are fighting Uruk hai over Uruk hai scouts.
and which point limit should I aim for at first?
I'm headed to Games workshop tomorrow, but have very little idea what to buy. I will be buying some figures from eBay, but my Games workshop is so friendly, i have a hard time not trying to support them to some degree.
In terms of pure competitive armies I would say that rangers are nothing special. Capable of holding their own no doubt but they have no "edge" over other models. You may want a second opinion though as I haven't used them too much.
The Uruk-Hai scouts are decent once upgraded and combined with Mauhur are a nimble warband. Combining them with any other hero is problematic though as they won't have the same 8" move as your troops do. The fighting Uruk-Hai are generally considered better. Thematically you can comfortably include Feral uruks and Berserkers which are your elite models that you will almost certainly want. Crossbowmen which are better than scouts with bow. You can also get some support troops with the pikes. I personally consider the fighting Uruk-Hai a solid army.
500 points is generally considered the sweet spot and most first armies aim for that. You can alter your warbands to drop down to 400 but another box and hero and you can easily go up to 700/750.
The most important thing to remember though is just go with the models/armies which you like. I could probably win lots of games with goblins but I wouldn't enjoy doing it!
Hope this helps