The One Ring

Fate & Fury
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Author:  rumtap [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Fate & Fury

I have been collecting & painting LOTR/Hobbit for a long time but have never really played. (Anyone in Canberra want a game?)

Anyway I recently got the EFGT box set and have been playing the scenarios. I only have the cut down version of the rulebook from the box and wanted to check if I correctly understood the use of Fate.

For Example.
Oin with one wound and one fate remaining faces off against two goblins and loses the fight. Both goblins score a wound.
Does this mean:
a) Oin can only use the fate point to block one attack from one goblin, so the other one will wound? Or;

b) Oin can use the fate point to stop all wounds suffered from the one fight regardless of the number of attackers

I thought it was a) but am not entirely certain.

Also when using the fury spell does it:
A) only block a single wound

B) block all wounds from a single attacker, or;

C) block all wounds in the fight ie from multiple attackers

Thanks in Advance

Author:  Scib [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

It's A, fate can only be used to prevent a single wound.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

A to both questions.

Author:  Bilbo [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

Also when using the fury spell does it:
A) only block a single wound

B) block all wounds from a single attacker, or;

C) block all wounds in the fight ie from multiple attacker

Fury alllows you to roll one fate roll which is successful on a 6 per wound suffered. I f your model suffers three wounds from one or multiple combatants, he or she can roll three dice to try and prevent this.

Author:  Goldman25 [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

In your example regarding Oin, he'd be dead. fate only saves one wound. With the other, I understood that Fury gave you a roll for every wound inflicted as long as the spell was in effect.

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

In regard to fury, let's say Durburz takes 3 wounds, he then rolls 3 dice for his fury save, one for each wound, for each one that gets 5/6 (depending on whether or not fury was channelled) a wound is ignored.

EDIT: Thanks Whafrog

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
In regard to fate...

You mean "fury". If any of those wounds get through he can still roll Fate.

Author:  typhoon2 [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

Remember that each Wound is achieved separately, and reacted to separately. So it would always be a single Fury save, then (one at a time) any Fate saves for the first Wound inflicted, then the same again as each Strike is resolved. Obviously most people roll all the Strikes together to save time, but there is definitely an important aspect to rolling separately as the player wonders whether to use Might to boost the Wound roll or not, and the target has to consider whether to save Might and hope for a better Fate roll later.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

This is a really interesting point and Typhoon2 is bang on the money about how you are meant to play:

A hero with three attacks win a fight
He rolls one dice to wound
He decides to use Might or not
Assuming he wounds, the opponent rolls Fury
If failed The opponent rolls Fate
The opponent decides to use Might
The attacker rolls his second attack etc.

However, what I've found interesting is that the vast majority of players (and this includes tournaments) would more than happy for the player to roll all 3 of their wounding dice at once and then decide which, if any, to use Might on. This method also makes Fury more effective as rolling 2 Fury saves at the same time can save you a vital point of Fate.

I found it really strange that this behaviour was so prevalent at competitive tournaments where players are often very particular over the rules, particularly something as important as when to expend your Might.

In most points match games people start with a similar amount of Might so as long as both players are playing the same way then it's fair and it certainly speeds the game up. However, it does have a big impact when one army is particularly Might heavy (think the Fellowship or Thorin's Company) as it gives them a bigger advantage.

A good example of this is the Journey Book scenarios which are commonly the Fellowship against a hoard of Evil warriors: in the Balin's Tomb scenario you have endless goblins, a cave troll and 2 goblin captains (4 Might) against the Fellowship (21 Might + 1 a turn for Aragorn). If you roll all your wounds together and then decide to use Might it gives the Fellowship an even bigger advantage (like they need it) than they already have, in those sort of games we always play it as written to give the poor goblins a chance.

It's interesting but there's no doubt that rolling all the dice together and then looking at your combined rolls favours the side with the most Might.

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

I actually like rolling all the dice at once. I feel it (as pointed out) gives more significance to heroes and multi-attack models. I also like it as this allows for overkill! Lol whenever we play for example and a unit is trapped we roll all respective dice at once and see how many times over the model dies, typically we imagine this is not merely a killing blow but the hacking of the slain model to pieces!

Edit: fixed my auto-correct mistakes

Author:  Damian [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

I agree with JamesR. I think that's while it's not specified, it is expected that players will roll dice together. There is nothing written in the 'winner makes strikes' section, however in the 'multiple attacks' section on the next page it says "it is allowed (and often a good idea) to see the result of one strike before rolling for the next" (with apologies to GW's IP department).
To me this looks like the writer is assuming that players will roll for strikes together and is giving permission to roll them one at a time.

Author:  rumtap [ Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

Thanks everyone, I'm very glad i raised this question. The conversation about how the game is played in regards to rolling and the impact it has on fate is very interesting and has defintely helped me in getting my head around it.

Author:  BlackMist [ Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fate & Fury

As Damian said strikes are all together, fate one by one. Once the second fate has been rolled you can't go back to first and use might.

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