The One Ring

Can you help me make my army legal?
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Author:  hannanibal [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Can you help me make my army legal?

Hi everybody. I'm new to LOTR SBG but have been wargaming for a few years now.
I am currently collecting an Isengard force but have yet to even buy the rule book yet as I want to have a fully painted, based 600 pointish army before I start (daft i know but meh, this way i don't get bored of painting and collecting).
I currently have:
saruman and grima
8 uruk hai warriors with pikes
8 uruk hai warriors with hand weapon and shields
1 isengard troll
6 warg riders (4 with hand weapons, 2 with bows).
All painted and based.

I would like to know what I need to add to make the army legally playable. I'm not asking to break IP law and go into points values just a little nod to what is needed such as heroes and banners etc..
I am going to be buying the book soon but money is tight at the minute so it will wait until funds are found.
Thanks in advance.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

hello hannanibal :)

To make that list legal you would need another hero.

i would suggest:

Warband 1 12/12
6 Uruk-hai Warrior with Pike;
6 Uruk-hai Warrior with Shield;
Warband 2 0/0
Gríma Wormtongue
Warband 6 11/12
Mauhúr or lurtz or vrashu or ugluk or sharku with a warg and shield
2 Uruk-hai Warrior with Pike;
2 Uruk-hai Warrior with Shield;
1 Isengard Troll
2 Warg Rider with Orc bow;
4 Warg Rider with Shield;

makes 598 points of isengard
i hope this helps

Author:  hannanibal [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

Thanks sid! Sharku on Warg it is then. I'm not really bothered about it being competitive. It's more about the theme and style.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

It will be tough to be competitive, as Saruman is expensive and might be a bit much at 600 points. But I'm sure you'll have fun blasting the enemy :)

Author:  hannanibal [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

Haha. I've never ran competitive lists in Warhammer but for some very strange reason I don't lose that much (must be the loaded dice I us ). Maybe my luck will change in LOTR.
I am painting an Galadrhim/wood elf force for my girlfriend too but I have no idea where to start. I know she wants at least 1 Ent. Are they allowed with elves? Any ideas for a good starting force of 600 points? I am aware that this may not be the best part of the forum to ask but it's for beginners and I have less chance of getting laughed at :D

Once again, competitiveness is not a factor.

Author:  fritskuhntm [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

this could be a slightly more competitive 600 list:
warband 1
-6 uruks shield
-6 orcs spear

warband 2
-sharku shield
-6 uruks shield
-6 orcs spear

warband 3
-uruk capain shield and heavy armour
-6 uruks shield
-6 orcs spear

39 units, 8 might, no bows

hope this helps 8)

Author:  fritskuhntm [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

oh some elves with an ent? challenge excepted:

warband 1
-8 galadrim shield
-4 galadrim bow and spear

warband 2
-storm caller
-8 galadrim shield
-4 wood elves spear and bow

warband 3
-11 woses
-1 ent

7 might, 39 units, 4 bows+12 blowpipes

Author:  hannanibal [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

Thanks for that. Looks like pretty much what I was after.

Author:  LordElrond [ Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can you help me make my army legal?

fritskuhntm wrote:
oh some elves with an ent? challenge excepted:

warband 1
-8 galadrim shield
-4 galadrim bow and spear

warband 2
-storm caller
-8 galadrim shield
-4 wood elves spear and bow

warband 3
-11 woses
-1 ent

7 might, 39 units, 4 bows+12 blowpipes

May I point out that that's 8 bows, not 4.

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