The One Ring

Help Identifying an Old Box Set
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Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Help Identifying an Old Box Set

Greetings all.

Sorry there isn't really a "beginner" question, but it's a question from my beginner days. :rofl:

Does anyone have a list of what figures were included in the following box set that came out, I believe before the One Ring rule book update:
and this one:

I think that the starting price is probably too much when shipping is included, but it's been re listed at least once that I've seen and hasn't changed so I imagine it's a bottom line. I may already have the Heroes from the Good side of the set, but I could always use more RoR. 8) And I've mostly been focusing my building on Mordor and Harad and my Isengard force, which used to be good size for SBG, is barely "starter" for WotR.

I keep hoping to stumble across another of the old battlehost box sets that GW carried and then stopped. Two of the Cirith Ungol sets gave me a great start on a Mordor / Dol Guldur host. I was going to snatch up one of the Isengard ones but they stopped them just too soon and I haven't seen them show up during my periodic searches of ebay. This might be a viable option but I'm doubtful it's worth the cost considering shipping as well.

Author:  FireKnife [ Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help Identifying an Old Box Set

That is the old Two Towers starter set.

You would get (assuming it ai all there):

12 Riders of Rohan.
20 Fighting Uruk Hai.
Middle Earth Ruins.
Two Towers Rulebook (not 100% on this but if there it is the old one)
Dice, plastic measure sticks and a few little pamphlets from the year the set came out.

It is basically one of the starter sets that came out after each film, before GW did the Mines of Moria set to tie it all in to one thing with the (then new) One Rulebook.


Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help Identifying an Old Box Set

Thanks. That's what I was worried about. I can pick up those RoR and Uruks at a better price if that's all that's there.

Author:  Elland [ Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help Identifying an Old Box Set

RoTK box set comes/came with 24 warriors of Minas Tirith, 24 Mordor Orcs (current plastic box sets), RoTK rulebook, this (or part of) terrain set: ... rod1095526

I think it was only 1 set of buildings instead of the two in the terrain pack.

Dice and range rulers.

If you are a collector and need to have the rulebook and/or RoTK starter box set, not worth the $75 price tag.

Author:  FireKnife [ Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help Identifying an Old Box Set

In TTT set you only got the building pieces of that terrain kit, they left out the statues and the rubble as i don't think it was actually made then.


Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help Identifying an Old Box Set

Thanks all.

I've "unwatched" these and won't bother with such sets in the future. If some store ever comes across one of those old battlehost sets in an old inventory and puts one of those up on ebay I may grab it, but it doesn't seem like these pre-One Ring Book sets are a good value.

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