Hi been a wargamer for long long time but just got into WOTR at out club so only played a couple of practice games to learn the mechanism. No magic and limited characters.
The situation arose where a troll was charged by a Minas Tirith Knights company supported by 2 other companies. I under stand I strike first but failed to kill anyone

On the cavalrys turn does he count support and the charge bonus. I realise only fights 1 company. I our example my troll was killed off very easily.
He got 4 hits so 2 rolls on the hard to kill table, looking at that anything but a 1 and he either takes 1, 2 wounds or killed outright with a resilliance of 2.
Seemed soooo easy to kill so we had a go against a unit of Minas Tirith warriors and again found that having passed test for terror the one company got 3 hits so rolled once on the hard to kill table throwing a 3 so 2 woulds and the troll was offed
Were we playing this correct as it seemed that Trolls (and therfore other resilliance 2 monsters) are easy to kill and very expensive !!!
If not please explain and if so what tactics to use for those types as I see them getting shot to pieces easily