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 Post subject: New to LOTR wold very much like help!
PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:45 pm 

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I am a veteran 40k player and have collected a few LOTR armies before but after watching the movies i'm going to start one FOR REAL..
I'm thinking about collecting a Galadhrim army..

I have NoOOO idea on how to play but I'm thinking about getting the following (I would like advice too 8) )

- Haldir
- Elrond
- 12 Knights
- 48 warriors

What do you think?
And I already own a Legolas and Glorfindel (not sure how to spell :rofl: )

I Love all good armies but I'm quite jealous that all the evil ones have the big monster models like Trolls and Nazgul :-X
What would be a good way to make my army more fearful?

Thanks in Advance :-D
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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 1:14 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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It depends on if you want to play an all themed army, if not you can add an ent.

If you like to play an all themed army, you could add
Galadriel, some gaurds of the galadrim court and perhaps Rumil.
And drop Elrond.

But what you listed looks nice :)
Which miniatures do you allready have?
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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:29 pm 
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You didn't specify which game system you are going for; SBG (skirmish) or WotR (formation based), but I'm going to guess WotR considering you're coming from 40k and WotR is the current focus of attention anyway.

As mentioned earlier, drop Elrond if you want something "modern" ( in LotR terms ) and themed that uses the new Galadrhim plastics. Galadrhim on their own are fairly potent and I believe with Battlehosts options they will be even more so ( just don't get too top-heavy or you'll have a small and vulnerable force ). Galadriel has two options, both of which are very powerful but in different ways. Celeborn and Haldir are each great combat leaders, and Gandalf is an easy inclusion if you choose.

Though Ents did not fight along side Elves in the books, it's not much of a stretch to have Ents allied with Galadrhim as Fangorn and Lothlorien were not too far apart. Likewise, if you go with Mirkwood (Wood Elves) then Eagles are a reasonable choice for a monster ally ( ie Battle of Five Armies ) but due to their deep-woods nature Ents wouldn't be too bad there either. Maybe they're returning to Mirkwood (Greenwood) after the fall of Mordor to work with the Elves to restore the woods and look for any Entwives that may be sleeping there.

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:53 am 
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While big monsters look intimidating on the field, on paper they usually aren't that great. A powerful elven hero (such as Glorfindel) can make light work of a troll any day. However, I only play SBG so it may not be the same for WotR...
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:11 am 

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Yeah man i use Galadhrim but ull have to tell me whether you want to play the Stratagy Battle Game or War Of The Ring...or both haha

So let me know and ill do my best with what knowledge ive got lol
CJ :-D

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:24 pm 

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Hmm.. well i'm not too sure how to play WotR but I've been reading over the normal rulebook and the rules are quite simple and the game looks like FUN! :-D

If I were to go with a WotR army what should I add/subtract?

I like the idea of the Ents alliance with the elves so should I grab one? (or two?) and which elven Heroes would best suit this force?
Are Galadriel and Guards of the Galadhrim Court any good??

I'm thinking about using my infantry for the main assault with a hero and banner, my archers using their awesome bows to thin out the enemy numbers and using my knights to flank archers or anything that puts my infantry at risk..
I already have Legolas and Glorfindel (only on foot), would these characters fit in nicely?

CHeers! :D
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:42 pm 
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Location: On some battle field with 6,000 riders behind me yelling....DEATH!!!
I would defiantly get a couple of ents, and some riders and maybe even some Wood Elves(4-6 companies would be good).

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:53 pm 

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Something Yellow wrote:
I like the idea of the Ents alliance with the elves so should I grab one? (or two?) and which elven Heroes would best suit this force?
Are Galadriel and Guards of the Galadhrim Court any good??

I'm thinking about using my infantry for the main assault with a hero and banner, my archers using their awesome bows to thin out the enemy numbers and using my knights to flank archers or anything that puts my infantry at risk..
I already have Legolas and Glorfindel (only on foot), would these characters fit in nicely?

Right dude, ill take it from the top haha...

I personally have a Treebeard which i use everynow and then, but only usually in 1500-2000 point games. But an ent could be pretty handy, if you like the thought of it id definatly get one. I use the Guards with Rumil in the formation to create a Cavary Buster because they have pikes
:twisted: .
If your going to use your infantry paired with a hero as your main assault, think about sticking Celeborn in the formation to boost there fight value to they have glaves which boosts. Also he has some nice spells of command which can combo quite well. You already have Cavalry which is great as they are very effctive with there expert rider rule, full movement and still the chance to shoot...Awesome!
Legolas is great, i never usually playa game without him. His crippling shot paired with his epic shot comes in handy alot. In regards to Glorfindel id have him in the army without a doubt, but only on horse back, not on foot :x

Now if your looking to add stuff, id go with some wood elves and get Gildor to form Gildors Household which has some nice magic paired with more longbows and also enchanted cloaks so they cant be seen untill 12" away. The sperll caster version of Galadriel is pretty awesome, but ive only really just incorparated her into my army so i cant really give you much feedback, but i think up to now she's worth it. And finally if you wanted to use and allied unit, id go with Grey Company which is one or two boxs of Rangers with Halbarad. These guys are a great allied force to use, plus you could be naughty and put Aragorn in the formation to give there bows UNLIMITED range...seriously :-D
The way i use my elves is to simply just hit the opposition with as many arrows as i can before i have to get into combat. And even then i can usually hold my ground quite well.

Hope this helps, sorry if ive gone on too much man :oops:

Would you like me to describe it to you... Or would you like me to get you a box. :D
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:29 am 

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nah, that was great help thanks! :yay:

What do you think about this?.. (I'll get an Ent when I have more moneys)
- Legolas (already own him)
- Haldir
- Celeborn
- Galadhrim cpts (2)
- Galadhrim with banner
- Galadhrim knights (6)
- Galadhrim Warriors (24)
- Wood elf warriors (24)
- Faramir and Damrod (the come together)
- Rangers of middle-earth (24)

Number of models - 85

What do 'ya think?

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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 5:14 am 
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If you're playing SBG, unfortunately you can't ally Rangers of Ithilien and Lothlorien, though you can ally Rangers and Thranduil's Halls. If you're playing WotR, I don't think there are alliance limits.
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 8:59 am 

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Something Yellow wrote:
nah, that was great help thanks! :yay:

What do you think about this?.. (I'll get an Ent when I have more moneys)
- Legolas (already own him)
- Haldir
- Celeborn
- Galadhrim cpts (2)
- Galadhrim with banner
- Galadhrim knights (6)
- Galadhrim Warriors (24)
- Wood elf warriors (24)
- Faramir and Damrod (the come together)
- Rangers of middle-earth (24)

Number of models - 85

What do 'ya think?


Id say thats pretty good dude, nice list to start you off :-D
But id definatly try Grey Company with your rangers at some point because they can be quite devistating to thge opposition.
But for now use what you've just said and have fun! Once you've played a good few games you'll start to create your own style of play, at that point you wont need much help because you'll know what you want :)

Let me know how your first game goes if you can :-D
Happy Gaming :D

Would you like me to describe it to you... Or would you like me to get you a box. :D
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:22 am 

Joined: Tue May 11, 2010 12:31 pm
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Thanks for helping me!
It might be a while before I play my first game but I'll let you know how it goes :-D

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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 5:16 pm 
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:yay: :yay: :yay: nice one
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:47 pm 
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CJ Morgan wrote:
Something Yellow wrote:
nah, that was great help thanks! :yay:

What do you think about this?.. (I'll get an Ent when I have more moneys)
- Legolas (already own him)
- Haldir
- Celeborn
- Galadhrim cpts (2)
- Galadhrim with banner
- Galadhrim knights (6)
- Galadhrim Warriors (24)
- Wood elf warriors (24)
- Faramir and Damrod (the come together)
- Rangers of middle-earth (24)

Number of models - 85

What do 'ya think?


Id say thats pretty good dude, nice list to start you off :-D
But id definatly try Grey Company with your rangers at some point because they can be quite devistating to thge opposition.
But for now use what you've just said and have fun! Once you've played a good few games you'll start to create your own style of play, at that point you wont need much help because you'll know what you want :)

Let me know how your first game goes if you can :-D
Happy Gaming :D

I play a bit of GC myself and I've discovered they are very effective as you can have no archer limitation as long as you have a dunedain or RotN for every 4 rangers.

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