The One Ring

Mordor Uruk-Hai - shields or no shields?
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Author: [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Mordor Uruk-Hai - shields or no shields?

Just a quick question. I haven't honestly played very much at all at this stage, but I've been getting a small group of Mordur Uruks ready for painting and it just occured to me to check to see if they can have shields. Having confirmed that they can, I want to know if it's worth doing (now, before I begin to paint them).

I just thought of the perfect shield for them...

I know I used to have the middle and right-hand models. If I do, and I can find either of them unpainted, GS castings of those shields would be ideal...

Damn.. if I can find that figure, they're getting shields either way. Going to go look for it now.

edit - Excellent! Found them. (after 90mins) Happy I started this thread, since it led to the chain of thought that will make these guys look pretty damn cool.

Author:  General Elessar [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:06 am ]
Post subject: 

From a gaming point of view, I would give them a shield. It halves the chances of them being shot (in general, Elven Bows, Crossbows, etc. are exceptions).

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