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 Post subject: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez help
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:13 pm 
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Hi everyone,

I just bought the "One rulebook to rule them all" and am camping by the mailbox waiting for it to arrive.
Hurry already mailman... :shock:

Without the rules I cant make army lists yet but, I know I want to make a Fangorn Forest army! I love planty leafy things.
I also dont have any LOTR figures yet, but I have a ton of prepainted plastics that I could use in the meantime.

Im rebasing them on wooden bases from Litko and then flocking/painting them with forest floor bases.

I got one giant ent that could be fangorn (giant treant from d&d minis Giants Of Legend), 3 ents (tanglewood spirits from mage knight), 6 "mossy" ents (Man-things from heroclix), 10 forest centaurs (centaur champions from mage knight), 20 dryads (forest nymphs from mageknight), 8 elf rangers with leafy cloaks (freeholder warriors) , 14 elf archers (wylden bandits), a elf sorceror riding a stag, and an elf sorceress riding a unicorn. I also got a bunch of elven magic users and hero types.

Ohh and I got like 30 pygmy looking guys (pygmys from horrorclix), which I can use for ghanbur ghans (sp?). I suppose they can be some wildmen who ents allowed to live in their forest.

I know there must be rules for ents in LOTR SBG, but what about my centaurs? Are there elf cavalry? If so, they can be that, they got lances and shields.
And dryads? I know there arent any in the movies, or the books, but not all ents had to be huge trees, right? There must have been some smaller trees and bushy plants? Baby ents, maybe? Again im just guessing on the rules, but can I half all the stats on an ent and get a dryad?

Is it easy to make up stats with these rules?

I also got hawks and eagles, a giant fly trap thingee, wierd plantmen with clubs, human-plant zombies (i think they came back to life because of plant magic, their legs are turning to roots, and vines are growing out of them).

thanks for listeneing,
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:18 pm 

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No centaurs, no dryads exist in Lotr... Wildmen of forests exist but not at Fangorn. GW has releashed elven cavalry, but they don't have lances althought they have shields. 8)
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:25 pm 
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Ohhh what about entwives? they exist in the books.
I could use dryads as entwives?

Well they are lost though... werent the ents looking for them?
I think i remeber reading somewhere that the bad willow trees near tom bombadils house might have been entwives? i dunno.
poor ents lost their wives. :sad:
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:35 pm 
Elven Elder
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the bad wikllow trees are not entwives. The entwoives and the gardens were destroyed and they were good guys, the trees you mean are black-hearted ie evil.

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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:37 pm 

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I don't think entwives looked like Dryads but if you want make house rules for them... Official (in tournaments for example) Treebeard and ents are the only warriors of Fangorn forest 8)
( Poor ents :sad: )
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:39 pm 
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And in WOTR, Quickbeam and Beachbone.

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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:39 pm 

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I know but no models for them are out of them...yet. 8)
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:55 pm 
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yeah, youre right, the willows arent the entwives. I found this on wikipedia:

"In The Fellowship of the Ring, Samwise Gamgee mentions his cousin Hal claims to have seen a treelike giant, which resembled an elm not only in size but also in actual appearance, in the north of the Shire.[12] During the Fangorn episode, Merry and Pippin told Treebeard about the Shire. Treebeard said that the Entwives would have liked that land. This, combined with the giant-sighting by Sam's cousin Hal mentioned above, has led to some speculation by readers that the Entwives may have lived near the Shire. Tolkien himself spent much time considering what actually happened to the Entwives (at one point simply saying even he didn't know), but eventually he stated in Letters #144: "I think that in fact the Entwives have disappeared for good, being destroyed with their gardens in the War of the Last Alliance..."[13]"

"At the end of the story after Aragorn is crowned king, he promised Treebeard that the Ents could prosper again and spread to new lands with the threat of Mordor gone, and renew their search for the Entwives. However, Treebeard sadly lamented that forests may spread but the Ents would not, and he predicted that the few remaining Ents would remain in Fangorn forest until they slowly dwindled in number or became "treeish", saying: "Sheep get like shepherds, and shepherds get like sheep. [...] But it is quicker and closer, with trees and Ents."[4]"

I want to beleve the story that entwives are living somewhere near the Shire.
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:57 pm 
Elven Elder
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Thety aren't alive anymore, they were all killed when theirt gardens were destroyed.

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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:08 pm 

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Sadly :(
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:14 pm 
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Hilbert, yeah I probly will never play in a tournament, just with a few frends, maybe even solo play with some scenarios.

Gothmog, you just made me think of an awesome scenario!!!!!! The Burning of the Entwives Gardens. Which would be somewhere in the Brown Lands, which im looking at a map isnt far from fangorn and lorien, its just across the river, north of Emyn Muil (where Frodo and Sam captured Gollum). I just read that entwives liked to teach men and elves farming and gardening, unlike the male ents who just liked to sit back and let forests grow naturally (lazy gits!) So sad that after that, the place became called the Brown lands, when it used to be a beautiful garden. So this battle happened during that last alliance war. Which means Saurons army burned it, and maybe some elves and men might have helped defend the Gardens. So... Entwives, some elves, men of gondor defending a garden against orcs, trolls, with siege weapons and torches and such. Ima defintely make a garden gameboard and its gonna be pretty.

Oh, so quickbeem and beachbone have stats in SBG?
Not knowing what has stats and dont is killing me.
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:15 pm 
Elven Elder
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Sounds like a fun scenarion.

QB and BB only have stats in WOTR not SBG.

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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:17 pm 

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So Numenor, High elves, Entwives vs Orcs and maybe even Sauron... Good scenario
Wotr stats are out for Beechbone and Quickbeam but no for SBG. 8)
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:21 pm 

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The Entwives scenario sounds real promising. Could be good fun to add rules for entwives and a scenario about pillaging/raising the gardens. Oh, and welcome to the hobby.
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:48 pm 
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Hmmm, now im reading everyothing I can on entwives , found this site ... s/Entwives

Ok so, Ents look like the wild trees they take care of. Entwives look like the smaller trees and agricultural plants they tended, so are smaller than Ents.

"There is the well known 'dryad loveliness' reference, and 'larches were green-fingered' in the description of the flora of Ithilien – this is suspiciously reminiscent of Entwives. The Ents and the Entwives slowly took the likeness of the trees they tended, and vice versa:"

Dryads and Entwives in the same sentence!

Ohh i found and really like this:

"In the manuscript A of the LR Epilogue, Sam and his daughter Rose were discussing Entwives:

‘And have they [Merry and Pippin] never found the Entwives?’
‘Well, we’ve seen none here, have we? ’ said Sam.
‘No,’ said Rosie-lass; ‘but I look for them when I go in a wood. I would like the Entwives to be found.’

Ohh bless, I want them to be found also!
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:56 pm 
Elven Elder
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Unfortunately the most likely explanation for their dissappearance is that they were killedm in fact there are no alternatives as plausable.

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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:17 pm 
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Kiiwan, thanks! :)

When it says Sauron burned the Gardens of the Entwives, does that mean he was there in person, or that he just gave teh order? Its vague, but also, orcs are made in imitation of elves, from captured slave elves? And trolls are made in imitation of ents, from captive slave ents? I sure hope Sauron didnt enslave the entwives and turn them into trolls....


Ok, i just read that maybe Entwives exist in the Old Forest where Tom Bombadil lives. Huorns are sentient primeval trees that guard normal trees, just as Ents watch over Huorns . Where theres Huorns theres Ents and vice versa.
So what Ents are the caretakers of the willow trees that tried to strangle the hobbits?

Maybe. Just maybe, the entwives are the caretakers of the willow huorns. The willows might be the guardians of the last garden of the Entwives, deep in the Old Forest. What better place for the Entwives to hide than Tom's land - Nazgul and orcs cannot step over the boundaries of his land. Even Sauron might not be able to cross. Who knows what secrets the Old Forest holds... :mrgreen:

apologies to all, if Im annoying about my current entwife craze
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:21 pm 
Elven Elder
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I would guess that Sauron did not lead the asttack personally as he considers himself far too important, the most powerful servant he would send would be a wraith or black numenorean lord, maybe even lower.

If entwives are not excinct, the Old Forest is perhaps a liokely place, however, I am sure that they moost likely were all killed (if any survived they would be few in number as many were killed and also, since they were no longer mating with ents they would produce no entings and as such, they would be gradually dieing out.

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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:56 am 

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Even if few survived they wouldn't die so fast because as Ents they age very slow... Anyway in the scenario you can put as leader a Ringwraith or an Orc captain or even the Mouth of Sauron 8)
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 Post subject: Re: Very excited brand spanking new LOTR player here! Pleez
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:58 am 
Elven Elder
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Or a black numenorean marshal.

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