The One Ring

Thomarillion items scale?
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Author:  Whatevier [ Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Thomarillion items scale?

I had some ideas about some little dioramas and since it's gonna be my first try, I figured it would be easier to use premade accessories than trying to scratchbuild stuff..

Thomarillion had lots of very interesting stuff, but I'm not sure about the scale compared to 28mm Lotr minis.
So any ideas if they are the same scale?
Some stuff I was considering buying..

(btw, I should stop clicking add to cart like a maniac :oops: )

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thomarillion items scale?

I bought a couple of thomarillion items, mostly ruins, and also one larger building. I like the quality, though I'm not that crazy about the durability of the hard-foam stuff, but the stuff you linked would be pretty good I think (based on other similar things I've received). As for scale, if I was picky I'd say it's just a tad on the small side, more suited for true 25mm, but still works fine and looks good on the gaming table, IMHO.

Author:  Whatevier [ Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thomarillion items scale?

Thanks a lot!
Now I gotta go put some money on my prepaid card..
And make a to-buy list that is logic-driven.. :-X

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