Lord of Gondor wrote:
What!? Do warhammer designers and writers have such little imagination? Just look at the cover- its the image of the Brandywine river! O.K. so deminutive beings already existed in English mythology in some way before Middle Earth- but in nothing like the form in which they are portrayed here. If I had to create a new fantacy army that wouldn't be so stongly based on a theme which GW already do. Let the halflings stay in Middle Earth! However this new faction for Warhammer might provide us with some different new 'beekeepers' to or own ORIGINAL Tolkienesque armies. I am sure the books hilarious

though hopefully not as plageristic as its cover may lead me to believe.

Uh, excuse me? You do realise that this is a Fan Rulebook and not official, right? "Warhammer designers and writers" isn't very accurate - these are Fans writing it. And I don't even play Warhammer Fantasy, but I know enough to know that Halflings and the Moot already exist in the official WFB universe. Sure the author(s) of this PDF borrow heavily from Tolkien, but so what? Its not an official expansion. I find this cheeky, tongue in cheek take take on the Shire rather funny.