Hey guys!
I'd first like to apologize for not being active these past months... I've been really busy preparing for my move back to Paris, and, to be honest, motivation to paint kinda disappeared for a while
With great regret I must announce that I've strayed from the path of LotR pieces with my current project, a 40k Crimson Fist Landspeeder. I've been working on and off of it for a while now, and although the Landspeeder in itself is not finished, I wanted to show you my progress as it is, hopefully gaining some constructive criticism along the way.
Picture are slightly big... sorry for any loading problems (:
And a close up of the only painted Crimson Fist (notice the ruined barrel on the gun to the left... I have yet to greenstuff it ^^):
And the completed, scratch built, display base (it seems redder then IRL):
The Landspeeder has been immensily customised... kudos to whom can find them all ^^