The One Ring

Joe5mc - Want LOTR trading unpainted box sets of other games
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Author:  Joe5mc [ Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Joe5mc - Want LOTR trading unpainted box sets of other games

I would like the following. Plastic I'd like unpainted, metal could be painted.

Knights of Minas Tirith
War Mumak
Rangers of Middle Earth
Spider Queen
Mouth of Sauron (mounted)
The Shadow Lord
Galadrim Warriors
Rohan Outriders
Malbeth the Seer
Camel Riders

Will consider other trades if you are interested in any of the following (all in box, unpainted)

In Her Majesty's Name - Prince of Wales Extraordinary Company
IHMN - Lord Curr's Company
IHMN - Scotland Yard
IHMN - Black Dragon Tong
IHMN - Society of Thule
Of Gods and Mortals - All of the Gods and Legends Packs
On the Seven Seas - Royal Navy Crew
OtSS - 18th Century Sailors
OtSS- Calico Jack's Crew

I probably have some other stuff, so let me know.

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