Country: Norway
I have: * Sharkey (metal)
* Lobelia (metal)
Currently trading in progress * Bandobras Took foot and mounted (metal)
Currently trading in progress * Galadriel Protectress of Lothlorien (metal)
* Cirdan (metal)
* Castellan of Dol Guldur (metal)
* Barrow Wight (metal)
* Frodo (metal)
* Sam (metal)
* Easterling Captain with halberd (metal)
All of the miniatures listed are neither primed or painted.
And I would like: * Warriors of Dale
* Master of Lake-town
* Alfrid
* Thranduil, King of Mirkwood
* Fili goblin town
* Tauriel plastic
* Thrain the Broken
* Bard the Bowman
* Grim Hammers
* Hunter orcs
* Fell Wargs
I want to trade with people in the UK and Europe. Shipping back and forth is usually about 2 weeks.
Some pictures, the Dunlending archer is not for sale.