The One Ring

Escape from Goblin Town evil models available
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Author:  ChristsSoldier [ Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Escape from Goblin Town evil models available

Hi everyone! I was planning to sell these on ebay, but figured I might as well see if anyone wants to trade first. These are all brand new from the Escape from Goblin Town set (I was only interested in the Good models). All of these are still on the sprue and in excellent condition.

I'm not exactly sure how these trades work; I assume anyone interested just pm's me and we see if we can work something out. I'm not sure how difficult shipping is to other countries, but I'm willing to work with it if the trade is really good :wink:

Trade Form

Country: California, USA;

I have:
    * Goblin King
    * 36 (Hobbit) Goblins
    * Goblin scribe with sling
    * Grinnah
    * short Goblin Captain

And I would like:
    Most wanted:
    * Rohan Royal Guards (mounted-- most wanted models)
    * The Free Peoples sourcebook
    * Erkenbrand foot and mounted (metal preferred, Finecast ok)

    * Rohan Royal Guards (foot)
    * Theoden foot (Helm's Deep/Two Towers version-- no helmet)
    * Theoden mounted (Helm's Deep version-- armored but no helmet)
    * Gandalf mounted
    * Swan Knights of Dol Amroth (mounted)
    * Prince Imrahil (mounted)
    * Gamezone Giant Eagle 3 (most prefered of the eagles)
    * Gamezone Giant Eagle 2
    * Bilbo Baggins (the old model, holding the book and ring)
    * Gimli (fellowship version with 2H axe and cloak)
    * Kha'zad Guard
    * Iron Guard
    * Dwarf Warriors
    * Possibly other Rohan models (depends on what they are)

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escape from Goblin Town evil models available

I have the Gimli you're after as well as a couple of mounted Swan Knights. One is the Captain model, but the armour is the same and he could easily pass as a regular Knight if you want.

Author:  ChristsSoldier [ Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escape from Goblin Town evil models available

Which models were you specifically interested in, and where are you located roughly?


(And sorry it took so long to respond)

Author:  Thermo [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escape from Goblin Town evil models available

I've got some Khazad Guard, Dwarven Warriors, Dain, Balin and some other bits you might be interested in. Take a look at my trade thread and I'd be happy to talk about what you'd like to offer :)

I'm in the UK so would involved shipping on both sides but hey :)

Author:  Thermo [ Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Escape from Goblin Town evil models available

I've also got the Theoden ft&mt that you're after 8)

Author:  ChristsSoldier [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Escape from Goblin Town evil models available

Just to let everyone know, I just started my next semester at college, and so don't have as much time to keep updated on this. I will try to get back to the people who have contacted me, but if it takes a while and you get another offer, don't feel bad to take that.

Thermo, were there specific models you were interested in (or just everything)? I did have one person interested in just the goblins already, but it's taking me a while right now to figure things out due to school. Apologies for the inconvenience. :)

Author:  Thermo [ Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Escape from Goblin Town evil models available

To be honest, not really looking for the goblin town set, least of all the goblins but if I have the things you're after, more than happy for you to make me an offer. Be good to help a fellow one ringer!

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