Trade FormCountry: Australia;
I have:
Defenders of Rohan OOP (BNIB)
Ringwraiths OOP (x9 metal BNIB)
Fog on the Barrow Downs (BNIB)
Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet (metal BNIB)
Easterling Kataphrakts x5 metal OOP (BNIB)
Easterling Kataphrakt metal (BNIB)
Lobeila Sackville-Baggins metal x2 BNIB
Witch King of Angmar foot and mounted metal (BNIB)
Khandish Chieftain ft & mtd (BNIB)
Mahud Warriors (BNIB)
Mahud Warriors with blowpipes (BNIB)
Dunlending Command x2 (BNIB)
Eowyn on foot & mounted x2 (BNIB)
Eomer mounted x2 OOP old version (painted)
Riders of Rohan (heaps in various conditions)
Warriors of Rohan (unpainted)
Prince Imrahil Mtd (unpainted) & on foot (painted)
Aragorn Warg Attack (unpainted)
Aragorn FotR x2
Aragorn Amon Hem (unpainted)
Legolas running pose (undercoated)
Dwarf Warriors x24 OOP (BNIB)
Balin x 2(painted)
Dain x2 (painted)
Metal Dwarf Archers
Wood Elves (BNIBx 24)
Lothlorien wood elves metal approx 6 (unpainted)
Arwen ft & mtd (BNIB)
Farmer Maggot & hounds (painted)
Bilbo Baggins (painted)
Merry, Knight of the Mark, Pippin, Guard of the Citadel (BNIB)
Goblin Drum (painted)
Durburz x2 (painted)
Moria Goblins (unpainted & painted about 50/60)
Lurtz x2 (painted)
Lurtz Amon Hem (unpainted)
Grima Wormtongue x1
Ugluk (painted)
And I would like:
Ringwraith loose (plastic fell beast set)
Uruk-hai crossbows
Isengard Commanders
Foot knight of Dol Amroth banner bearer
Grey Company
Clansmen of Lamedon
Axemen of Lossarnach
Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth
Guards of the Fountain Court
Citadel Guard
Gondor Commanders
Serpent Guard on foot x6
Easterling with pikes (plastic or metal)
Morrannon commanders
Winged nazgul OOP edition metal
Siege Bow x 2
Anything The Hobbit
I have tonnes of other models that I may also be willing to trade, so if you have anything on my want list don't hesitate to contact me in case I have something you're missing. I've done trades with Ozmo and hbj79. Just send me a PM and we can try and sort something out!