The One Ring

Looking for some Dead
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Author:  Killerkatanas [ Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for some Dead


Looking for 4 Army of the dead figures on foot, painted or not, plastic or metal, makes no matter.

I have the folowing to offer:
Painted Commanders set with Captain, flag - 2 sets

Mounted and assembled Riders of Rohan - 3 primed

High Elf Spears - 8 new
Elrond, converted to stand on a rock - 1 primed
Legolas shooting bow - 1 painted
Haldir Elves with glaives - 3 new
Haldir with bow - 1 new

Raider (metal) - 1 unopened blister

Siege ladders - 4 (plastic) on the tree
Uruk running with hobbit - 2 primed (have both versions)

Older Orc metal bows - 12 (3 are primed)
Captian - 1 primed
flag - 1 primed

Forgotten kingdoms:
Metal Ent - 1 unopened box
Merry and Pippin sitting from Treebeard set
Kings of men - 2 painted

Axemen - 2
Bowmen -1

Ruins of Middle Earth boxed set - 1 unopened box

If you wish to trade let me know what you are offering contact me. I am located in the United States.


Author:  Spaceman [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for some Dead

Hello, I have 8 metal warriors of the dead I am willing to trade. You would not happen to have any rohan royal guard you would be willing to trade?
I am also located in the US. PM if interested, thanks.

Author:  charluke12915 [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for some Dead

PM Sent

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