The One Ring

Elf Elven blades OR sword and shield ???
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Author:  RedElf [ Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Elf Elven blades OR sword and shield ???

so I played my first game today...because of the scenario ( #3 ) and the fact that my opponent had cavalry and one of my units was delayed entering the battlefield...I was defeated...

wondering if the Elven blade is better than sword w/shield


the Elven archers did not seem to be worth their high cost

opinions ???

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elf Elven blades OR sword and shield ???

Hmm. That deployment does hamstring you sometimes I suppose. As to your questions I will say this. I played High Elves for years with shields in the front. It was commonly held then, and still is by many, that two-handed weapons were just no worth the drawbacks when compared to shielding and the extra defense. But I always found that strength four armies that had defense six would beat me anyway because they could punch through my armor anyhow. The blades are a risk to take but I have found that they offer the punch I need and I think it is worth it.

With bows I think it is simple a question of playing with the intent to make the most of them. Holding back from an engagement, firing at the proper targets and then not being afraid to through them into melee. If you leave them hanging in the back waiting for targets you'll be disappointed more often the not. I usually take my full 33% of bows with them. But I can see how they can seem to under perform. The way I look at it is this. High Elves bows and close combat strengths are the same but you have a better chance of hitting with shooting then you do of winning combat (that may not be true in fact but it is a much surer bet) so playing to your shooting makes is more cost effective. I do not know what you were doing in the game though so I can not really offer you specifics but that is about how I figure it.

Author:  RedElf [ Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Elf Elven blades OR sword and shield ???

thanks for your opinion...I think next battle I will try Elven Blades and drop the bowmen I will keep second rank and give them spears...I do love the game...great fun...take care...

Author:  Gavin [ Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Elf Elven blades OR sword and shield ???

would a healthy mix not be a good option, ive not quite used them yet, but looking at galadhrim for example i consider putting the front rank of elves with elven blade so they can go two handed or single and have the roll off adavantage and few then with either sword and shield or if you have the points spare elven blade and shield, these guys cant go two handed but the they still maintain the roll off advantage and get the defense buff, the support ranks could be spear and shield and spear and bow mix, this isnt probably the most effective but i figure have the spears and bows behind the shields guys and the spear and shields behind the just elven blade guys,

you can do this with high elves too, again not sure how it would work out but maxing bows on elves seems to be important, but just another thought would be to consider having an archer warband led by a shooty hero, mix up the equipment so they have some spears or blades, wood elves seem to be best option for this especially if you can get a few of them with elven cloaks, with cloaks as well they would be pretty awesome supports for your front rank fighters,

good luck, hope it works out whichever way you go

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