The One Ring

400 Points Mordor (Using Throne of Skulls Army Bonuses)
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Author:  Scib [ Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  400 Points Mordor (Using Throne of Skulls Army Bonuses)

Hi Guys, got a tournament coming up using the army bonuses - which I am going to try and make use of. The bonus for Mordor is +1 courage and re-roll wound rolls of 1.

Never played with Mordor before so here is my first draft. I have the models for these plus a few extra Mordor orcs and Morannons. Hero-wise I also have Gothmog foot & mounted, Gorbag, Shagrat, Shaman and Drummer.

Please give me your thoughts !

Morannon Orc captain with shield (General)
4 x Morannon Orcs with shields
2 x Mordor Orcs with shields
6 x Mordor Orcs with shields

Morannon Orc captain with two-handed weapon
4 x Morannon Orcs with shields
2 x Mordor Orcs with shields
6 x Mordor Orcs with shields

Ringwraith (extra 3W, 1M, 2F) on horse
4 x Morannon Orcs with shields
3 x Mordor Orcs with shields

Author:  Valadorn [ Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 400 Points Mordor (Using Throne of Skulls Army Bonuses)

From the models you have available, I think it you can try the following:
- drop one morannon captain for a shaman. You have tons of orcs, he is value.
- then you will need might so drop the second cap to get gorbag or shagrat.
- Your ringwraith has no will which will make it almost useless. Drop 1F and add all the points you got due to the 2 previous changes to add more Will. You will need that for sure.

In that way this is going to be a competitive army. Mordor rule is broken so it's going to be nuts!

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 400 Points Mordor (Using Throne of Skulls Army Bonuses)

I agree with Valadorn except for the reallocation of will to the Wraith. Yes, if you have some spare points get more will but that fate is important too. Particularly if you make the Wraith your general, which is smarter than tagging a hero you need to have in combat for the role. Just play conservatively with your magic, back up the named hero with transfix etc. to deal with other heroes and monsters, and don't be afraid to try for a late game black dart.

Author:  Valadorn [ Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 400 Points Mordor (Using Throne of Skulls Army Bonuses)

Wan Shi Tong wrote:
I agree with Valadorn except for the reallocation of will to the Wraith. Yes, if you have some spare points get more will but that fate is important too. Particularly if you make the Wraith your general, which is smarter than tagging a hero you need to have in combat for the role. Just play conservatively with your magic, back up the named hero with transfix etc. to deal with other heroes and monsters, and don't be afraid to try for a late game black dart.

Indeed, I said that because I am not sure how many points are left. I think he needs at least 5-6 Will to make it work..

Thinking over how your leader will work to protect VPs is a great aspect of army building indeed.

Author:  Scib [ Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 400 Points Mordor (Using Throne of Skulls Army Bonuses)

Thanks for the feedback. Is a ringwraith too much at 400 points, I can see the mouth of sauron is quite cheap would he be able to work in the same way?

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