The One Ring

First list, advice vs. Nazgul
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Author:  Bassie [ Wed May 24, 2017 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  First list, advice vs. Nazgul

So, I have played a couple of games but they were quick with no real consideration to my list.

I will be playing my friend, and a mutual friend warned me his list is quite tricksy and tough (he chose the models he liked).

My list (750 pts Isengard)

Saruman, horse (anyone have any ideas on how to convert this model? I am using a gandalf on shadowfax proxy)
2 beserkers
4 uruk-hai with pike and crossbow
3 uruk-hai with shield
1 uruk hai with shield and banner
2 orc with shield

2 beserkers
4 uruk-hai with pike and crossbow
4 uruk-hai with shield
1 orc with shield

Sharku, shield, warg
5 orcs on wargs
Isengard troll

Fwiw, I also have a box of hunter orcs, and the orcs on wargs are actually the hunter orc models. I have the model for the dungeon keeper dude (previously bolg). I also have spare uruk-hai and beserkers. I don't have the highly rated heroes (mauhur, and Vrasku) but am happy to proxy them.

His list

Not sure exactly but something like

Named nazghul (tainted) on fell beast
Another nazghul on fell beast (dwimmerlaik maybe?)
Yet another nazghul (costs twice as much to use will / might near him) on a horse
5 mordor knights
a few shades
a troll with drums

Anyhow, I am a bit scared that with immobilise and black dart, combined with the low courage and ability of the shades, that my uruks will just get picked apart.

Author:  Men are weak [ Fri May 26, 2017 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First list, advice vs. Nazgul

I think your list will be plenty competitive. Uruk-Hai are just excellent all around troops. F4, S4 and all with shields will be D6.

I wouldn't worry too much about Black Dart - it tends to be less of a game changer than one might think. And Uruks have a little better than avg courage for evil, so I wouldn't worry about the shades too much either. You have a few Berserkers as well, who have great courage, so they'll be fine.

You have superior numbers with good troops. Get in there and get in his face as early as possible, and put your numbers and good troops to work. Personally, I'd dump the troll in favor of more Uruk-Hai (superior numbers are almost always good), but it's up to you.

Be prepared for the Nazgul to concentrate on Saruman. He's going to get Sap Willed early, and transfixed as often as they can. And be wary of the fell beast. Don't leave Saruman exposed or he's fellbeast fodder. Try to keep him surrounded by Uruks. On horse, he can move, cast, then move back to safety. Ideally, that draws the fellbeast in, and he may deal some damage, but I think you're better off having it come close where you can try to surround it/trap it.

Author:  ja33 [ Fri May 26, 2017 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First list, advice vs. Nazgul

Another thing to be aware of...the list of models that you listed for your opponent is WAY more than 750 points.

2 Nazgul on Fellbeast, another Nazgul on horse, 5 Morgul Knights, a Troll, AND a few Shades ??? He's well over 700 points without adding in any Shades, much less a few, and Shades aren't cheap - adding in a few, say 3 of them - would take him well over 1000 points !

Author:  Bassie [ Sat May 27, 2017 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First list, advice vs. Nazgul

Thanks for the advice!

Author:  Teacups17 [ Wed May 31, 2017 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First list, advice vs. Nazgul

You can just buy Saruman on horse without needing to convert. He is not expensive and should be easy to get hold of, probably even from the GW website

Author:  McGarnacle [ Wed May 31, 2017 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First list, advice vs. Nazgul

He costs $20.

Author:  Salattu [ Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First list, advice vs. Nazgul

Check out the enemy troops... If the enemy has a lot S3 weapons, then get more shields. If mostly S2 and S4, then pikemen will do the job and you can basically forget about shields.

Also, think carefully about your strategy. You have combined pikes and crossbows together, but can you make a defensive formation to utilize this? If you want to shoot, you cannot move your pikemen a single centimeter on that turn! If you need to process, then crossbows aren't the best, and especially, if the rest of infrantry is dependant on their movement.

If enemy is going to have mages (such as ringwraiths), then they might paralyze your troll.

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