Hi everybody,
it's the first time I post a list so don't be afraid to give me advice

I'm going to play a match against a friend where the scenario will be picked randomly. We mainly play new Hobbit rules, except that we don't use special strikes for now, and with LOTR models (no Hobbit army yet).
My opponent has started a few armies (Isengard, Rohan, High Elves) and I believe he's going to use one of these 3 (not really competitive because of the lack of models).
He already played :
- Isengard : with a lot of scouts lead by Lurtz, a few warg riders and a small division of orcs, and Ugluk with warriors with shield or pike
- Eregion & Rivendell : with Gil-Galad (on foot, but I know he wanted to use him mounted), Elrond (LOTR profile), captain, and high elves with shield, lance, 2H, bow, including a banner too.
I've collected a few harad models and I wish to play with them. I wrote 2 lists for a 600pts match :
1) Suladan on Horse
3 serpent riders
2 Mahud Raider with War spear / blowpipe
1 Mahud Raider with blowpipe
2) Golden King
4 haradrim warriors with spear
4 Watcher of Kârna with bow
3 Abrakhân Guard
1 Half-Troll with 2H
3) Hâsharin
3 haradrim warriors with spear
4 Watcher of Kârna with bow
1 Half-Troll
==> 600 pts, 29 units, 6 might
1) Suladan on Horse
3 serpent riders
2 Mahud Raider with War spear / blowpipe
1 Mahud Raider with blowpipe
2) Hâsharin
4 haradrim warriors with spear
4 Watcher of Kârna with bow
3 Abrakhân Guard
1 Half-Troll
3) Knight Of Umbar with Horse
1 haradrim warrior with spear
4 Watcher of Kârna with bow
1 Half-Troll
==> 600 pts, 27 units, 7 might
What do you think of those two lists? Which might be better (against who) and why?
Thanks for your advice, and sorry for the bad English