Nearly all named heroes are really good in the Durin's Folk army :
- Durin : a beast, but expensive in points
- Balin : great hero and quite cheap
- Dain : more expensive than Balin but less than Durin, he's quite useful too, but at some conditions (F5, for instance)
- Gimli : like Balin, he's not so expensive and he's a true killer
- Floi : not a warrior, but some fun rules to use
- Murin and Drar : 2 heroes in one (like Elladan and Elrohir). Not the best warriors, but they unlock regular dwarf warriors with strength 4

- King's Champion : hero + 2 banners, great stats, a must have

About the warriors :
- dwarf warriors : solid stats, with shield they make a good front rank. They have access to dwarf bows, too
- dwarf rangers : a more versatile warrior, they have access to regular bow and throwing weapons (quite expensive, however) but they lack of armor
- iron guards : elite warriors. They kill stuff really well
- vault warden team : they can hold strategic positions like no-one, but they are difficult to use efficiently
- Khazad guards : good elite killers (2 handed-weapons with bodyguard!) and good armor (same as dwarf warrior with shield

The main advantage of dwarves is their high defense, but they don't have access to cavalry or magic.
One big disadvantage is the lack of spears (Hobbit's dwarves can), and a reduced speed (5").
Their heroes are good killers, so you need to hold the lines with regular troops (shiiiiiiield) while they kill the enemies. Don't rely too much on bows, but they still can help (regular dwarf warrior with bow have D6, and S3 bow but reduced range).
Dwarves are quite expensive so you'll be regularly outnumbered (and, with no spear, it can be hard to manage). But with a front rank of D7, you won't die easily

You can include a banner too, allowing you to reroll (good alternative to spears), but you'll have to keep it safe (and, BTW, you can add a shield to your regular dwarf warrior with banner :p)
Hope it helps, and sorry for my poor English