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 Post subject: 500 pt Minas Tirith army with mounted citadel guards
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:36 pm
Posts: 26
Hey guys, new to the forum here. I used to collect the lotr miniatures years ago and got back into the hobby a few weeks ago. I usually play 500 points so I decided to work on a 500 pt Gondor list. I'd love to receive some tips or feedback on it

Warband 1
Faramir (armoured horse, lance, shield, heavy armor)
1 komt with banner
5 komt with shield
3 citadel guards spear and horse
3 citadel guards longbow and horse

warband 2
4 womt with shield
4 rangers of Gondor with spear

Warband 3
2 womt with shield
3 rangers with spear
3 fountain court guards with shield

Let me know what you think:D
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 Post subject: Re: 500 pt Minas Tirith army with mounted citadel guards
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:21 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2015 7:09 am
Posts: 93

Welcome to the forum! I'm not a great player so my advice may be useless but let me try to comment your list, however :)

First of all : citadel guard with horse => I didn't even know that they could receive a horse... Sounds nasty 8)

Faramir on horse with a lance is really powerfull, he's a great choice!
But having 12 cav models seems a bit too much : you'll encounter some difficulties to use all of them in an effective way.

Banner for cav sounds good on paper, but I don't know if it is useful during the game, due to the small range of effect and the cav base size (you generally won't be able to cover a large amount of Knights).

If I were you, I would replace some horses to enrole more foot models, to increase your numbers and break point :)

Denethor is fun to play. He's not an awesome hero (his lack of Might doesn't serve him well), but he is able to kill some soldiers. When I play him, I avoid enemy's heroes but instead put him in the middle of the fight, where he can slay a good amount of soldiers.
I remember the first time I played him : first turn, I won priority, then missed the Courage Test... Burnt every single Will point >.< A great moment (then he never became fool again in the game)^^

[sorry for the bad English]
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 Post subject: Re: 500 pt Minas Tirith army with mounted citadel guards
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:51 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
Hello fellow Gondorian.
I´m re-starting to play gondor more often thx to newcomers and wanna re-create battles in osgiliath as it lets you take diferent styles and alot of skirmishes in bettewn main events.

Anyway advices on your list.
Largorien its partly right to mention the banner effect. Banners are an important thing to take, although their range aren´t that great as 3" its short, it depends pretty much where is it and whom its around it to benefit from it.

Banners are a good source of re-rolls but need to be well played and placed to benefit the most.

As you noticed some units benefit more than others and that comes from how they play in the terrain. For instance a warrior of minas Tirith on foot will benefit greatly from a banner rather than a knight. Why you wonder? their tactical role on the field. A knight its a self sufficient soldier whos able to make devastating charge without support, it got enough punching power to shatter strong armours thx to his lance bonus and therefore its more independent than lets say a warrior, who need spear support to maximize is effectiveness in combat.

Knights of Minas Tirith in the field, generally work a bit of an inches away from eachothers to ensure they won´t be trapped as often when fight against odds, their large bases often are sight of fighting foes 2 to 1 if not even more.
As with it means that they won´t be able to protect the banner in the back from incoming volley fire as good as sturdy shoulder to shoulder shieldwall like infantry for:

1- the´re expensive so you wont field 2 many
2- they dont have spears so no benefit from frontal line, and either if they did, the spear support guy would lose alot bonus from supporting.

Infantry however will benefit from your banner greatly as they normally fight in 2 ranks or in shielding to ensure survivability, make sure what they do its to survive the most.

If you wanna take a knight with banner in the middle of your infantry blob please do, as often seen, the horse model will ensure survivability to the rider as the enemy will have to randomize hits better horse and rider from shooting and also allow your banner to get greater flexbility and a few more inches range cause you´re influencing fights from a bigger wider base to small bases around.

Warband 1 its interesting as it sounds but

1- try to get 4 Komt with shield and remain 8 man infantry blob. Some scenarios are tricky and losing knights cause the oponents comes after you from the same boardegde and stuck your knights of the bat, ain´t a good thing.
2- those infantry blob try osg vets, while nearby 6" of faramir the´re fight 4 for a considerably cheap cost (womt cost +1pt) You can add a couple rangers in for shooting, the´re good value anyway and helps you spread shooting.

Warband 2 should be your mounted harass group.
Beregond on horse (he has a good shooting value)
add like 5/6 citadel guards with bow mounted, these are the harassment source of yours, they work in a way like knights of rivendell with a bit worst shooting value, but you can use that beregond´s might point to call heroic moves or shooting and such to make the best out of this group, this is the "in bettewn lines" to support wherever you need it. YOu can nominate faramir as your heroe however as its keep em fearless while the young captain is alive. Ps* keep an eye on unreleased miniatures, they got all the models needed for this warband.

Warband 3
its your bulk move forward and hold the line, you need to make sure you maximize the number count on this warband, and I would recommend as many guards of the fountain court as you can for:
1- they are decent cost for their stats
2- they all come with spear
3- the only D7 infantry model in the entire force.
4- this allows you denethor to chop through infantry
all this while under said knight with banner effect to take the most of it.

So overall.

Warband 1
Faramir with heavy armour, shield, armoured horse and lance
4 KoMT with shield
4 Osg veterans with shield
3 Osg veterans with spear
1 Rangers of gondor

Warband 2
Beregond on horse
4 Citadel guards with longbow on horse

Warband 3
Denethor, Steward of Gondor
6 Guards of the Fountain Court with shield
5 Rangers of Gondor with spear
1 KoMT with shield and banner

bow limit its at the edge 9.3(10) so you got pretty much alot bows

Hope this helped.
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 Post subject: Re: 500 pt Minas Tirith army with mounted citadel guards
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:24 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:36 am
Posts: 23
:boromir I wud take boromir if u can I am no expert on gondor but he is so kickass
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 Post subject: Re: 500 pt Minas Tirith army with mounted citadel guards
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:03 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:36 pm
Posts: 26
Thanks for your tips guys!
Ik think i'll take down the number of cavalery models (keeping the citadel guards om horse, probably giving them all bows). I managed to get hold of some cheap cav models and basic minas tirith soldiers, I swapped the lance hands with bows and swapped a few arms with spear arms. These represent my mounted citadel guards. Because they can't take shields I had 6 left over, gave those to my fountain court guards and my Faramir models. I also replaced Faramirs arm with a knight's lance to make his model look right.

Guess all I have left to do is pick up another few fountain court guards.

And paint, al lot...
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