The One Ring |
My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to discuss |
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Author: | infinateremains [ Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:01 am ] |
Post subject: | My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to discuss |
Hey guys, haven't really had time to play any games as of late but I do enjoy writing lists in the small time I do get to do hobby so I thought I would share lists I have been writing to get some feedback. The only size games I play when I do are either 600 or 750 at the closest events to me. So the first list I have been writing is a pure galadhrim list. Is it a good list? How could it be improved - preferrably within the boundary of only lothlorien and mirkwood. Warband 1 - Rumil 7 Guards of the Galadhrim court 4 Galadhrim warriors, shields and spears 1 Galadhrim warrior, banner, spear and shield Warband 2 - Haldir, armour and bow 6 Wood elf warriors, bows and wood elf spears 3 Galadhrim warriors, shields and spears 3 Galadhrim warriors, shields and elven blades Warband 3 - Galadhrim Stormcaller 5 Galadhrim Knights, shields, bows and elven blade 599pts What do we think? Solid list? How can I make it better. I've always thought wood elves squishy and prefer their higher pointed cousins but I quite like it for the amount of models. |
Author: | Galanur [ Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there for dis |
If you can avoid some nasty nazgul attencion, I would recommend giving haldir and rumil even cloaks... hide behind the elves and they wont be able to cast magic on those unless the´re 6" or closer.. (which pretty much a deadly range for a ringwraith to be).. Warband 1 looks very solid and nasty to take on, even to fight 6 heroes... Warband 2 it has some nice choices, although I could ditch those 10 pts warriors with shield and blade if you find something more usefull... Warband 4 I just question the Galadhrim stormcaller as leader, i understand your reasons to field one and Im fine with it, just not sure either if elven blades on mounted knights its reasonable, unless you expect fighting equal F5 enemies... |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there for dis |
The list is good but it's always nice to have more magic in there like galadriel because elves are very fragile. I've also never been a fan of those cavalry because they seem to die easy for so many points but I've never used them myself I've only played against them. Saying that I don't really think they're that good having been able to kill them every time. But that was against more of an amateur player. Other than those two things the list looks pretty good but I would always go for more numbers with elves. |
Author: | infinateremains [ Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there for dis |
Thanks for the feedback guys, I will have a look at a rewrite of this list soon to take on your suggestions. I have also recently come up with this mordor/troll list what do you think? Gothmog, shield, warg 5 orc warriors, shields 4 morannon orcs, spears and shields 4 warg riders, bows Taskmaster 5 orc warriors, shields 2 morannon orcs, spears and shields 2 orc warriors, 2 handed weapons Mordor orc shaman 6 orc trackers Bert the troll =600pts |
Author: | Gil Galad king [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
Maybe swap gothmog with a wraith on horse I would probably say knight of umbar because gothmogs fight value is really bad for his points otherwise really gud list. |
Author: | infinateremains [ Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:41 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
So in your opinion guys, what allies better with Goblin town Angmar or Moria? |
Author: | Gil Galad king [ Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:31 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
Moria, they are low points and that is the whole point of goblin town, Angmar would just mean you cannot utilize goblin towns numbers. |
Author: | Gil Galad king [ Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:33 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
I Would really appreciate some suggestions on my post on army help. you might be able to help... |
Author: | infinateremains [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
Gil Galad king wrote: Moria, they are low points and that is the whole point of goblin town, Angmar would just mean you cannot utilize goblin towns numbers. Moria for sure have the better goblin specific bonuses that could help out a goblin town army (for example drums for that courage boost and shamans for that fury). My reasoning behind Angmar is using shades and the numbers from Goblin town "should" guarantee the fights (aslong as you have the numbers in combat) and spectres could pull out any annoying warriors to get mass jumped by goblins and potentially spread out battlelines to open gaps for surrounds. Also a Ringwraith could provide some decent support and magic to an army that is lacking it. |
Author: | infinateremains [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:22 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
So I got around to looking at that Galadhrim list again and this is what I came up with: Warband 1 - Rumil 6 Guards of the Galadhrim court 3 Galadhrim warriors, shields and spears 1 Guard of the Galadhrim Court, banner Warband 2 – Galadhrim Stormcaller 5 Wood elf warriors, bows and wood elf spears 3 Galadhrim warriors, shields and spears 3 Galadhrim warriors, shields and elven blades Warband 3 - Legolas, Armour, Elven Cloak, Horse 5 Galadhrim Knights, bows, shields == 599 Think that's and improvement? |
Author: | infinateremains [ Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:24 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
This new one interests me a lot. Quite themed. Peregrin, Guard of the Citadel, Elven Cloak Gandalf the white, Elven Cloak Beregond - 3 Warriors of Minas Tirith, Shields - 3 Guard of the fountain court, Shields - 2 Citadel Guard, Spears, Longbows Captain of Minas Tirith, Shield - 3 Warriors of Minas Tirith, Shields - 3 Guard of the fountain court, Shields - 2 Citadel Guard, Spears, Longbows Damrod - 5 Warriors of Minas Tirith, Shield - 4 Rangers of Gondor, Spears =600pts Total Models = 30 Total Heroes= 5 Total Might= 8 Total Bows = 10 |
Author: | infinateremains [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:16 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
the White Council ---- Warband 1 Elrond with Horse; Heavy armour Arwen with Horse Legolas with Horse; Elven cloak; Armour ---- Elrond's Household ---- Warband 1 Lindir with Heavy armour; Horse 7 Knight of Rivendell with Shield 600pts 11models 8 might 8bows To 750: Elrond's Household ---- Warband 1 Lindir with Heavy armour; Horse 5 Knight of Rivendell with Shield Rivendell Knight Captain; Shield 5 Knight of Rivendell with Shield Very elite but a few bows, a few hard hitters. I am unsure on Arwen but I thought the extra natures wrath a turn could be useful if the first is resisted. Plus the rules for a white council with their extra resistance to magic can prevent other spells that could unmounts my forces. |
Author: | Tungdil [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:41 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
Elven Cloak does not count while mounted, does it? Therefore it would be mostly wasted points, as when he would be dismounted, he would surely be within 6'' or closer to the enemy..? |
Author: | infinateremains [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
It doesn't count while mounted but he may want to get to a good point on the battlefield, dismount and sit near a tree and hide while taking pot shots. It's just there for the flexibility and to use the spare points. |
Author: | infinateremains [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
Warband 1 6/12 High Elf Stormcaller 3 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear; 2 High Elf Warrior with Shield; 1 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade; ---- Warband 2 9/12 Gildor Inglorion 7 Noldorin Exile with Elf Bow; 1 Noldorin Exile with Elf Bow; Banner; Elven cloak; ---- Warband 3 6/12 Erestor 3 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear; 2 High Elf Warrior with Shield; ---- Warband 4 6/12 Círdan 3 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear; 2 High Elf Warrior with Shield; 1 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade; ---- 600pts 31models 8bows, 1 throwing weapon, 4 might (could be a problem) To 750pts: Warband 2+ 2 Noldorin Exile with Elf Bow; Warband 5 6/12 High Elf Stormcaller 3 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear; 2 High Elf Warrior with Shield; 1 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade; ---- Quite like this, may run it at some point. |
Author: | bruceqn [ Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:11 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: My army list ideas. Just throwing them out there to disc |
High Elf thoughts: max out your warbands and bows (big elf strength), so you have more points for stronger heroes. Cirdan's magic doesn't help High Elves much, not for those points. Stormcaller can be OK, but even Arwen packs more potential punch. Spears for (nearly?) every Shield is a must: that high fight will not help when fighting 2 against 1. No banner. Elven blades...rarely needed with F5. And I agree: Might is huge. I would ally other armies to augment weaknesses (like numbers) but here is a pure High Elf suggestion for 600 points: E&E, Arwen, Gildor Inglorian with 14 Shields, 1 plain, 5 Spears, and 11 Noldorin Exiles with WE Spear & Bow. 35 units, 8 Might. I might even out HE shield & spear so your Noldorins are free to roam. For 750 points: Elrond, E&E, Gildor Inglorian with 12 Shield, 3 Spear, 8 Shield&Spear, and 12 Noldorin Exiles with WE Spear&Bow. 39 units, 10 Might. Decent magic. I went for numbers, even though Elven Cloaks would be useful against the inevitable Nazguls at this level. You might get more response by posting one army at a time. |
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