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 Post subject: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:00 am 

Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:06 pm
Posts: 41
Here is a list I am putting together, let me know what you guys think!

Witch King of Angmar w/ Crown of Morgul, an armoured fell beast, 3 might, 20 will, and 3 fate
4 morannon orcs with shields
2 morannon orcs w/ shields + spears
2 orc warriors w/ spears
2 dead marsh spectres
1 Black Numenorean Warrior
1 Morgul Knight

Shagrat, War Leader of Cirith Ungol
4 morannon orcs w/ shields
3 orc warriors w/ spears
1 morannon orc w/ shields + spears
1 morannon orc Banner
1 dead marsh spectre
2 Black Numenoreans
1 Morgul Knight

Gorbag w/ shield
3 Morgul Knights
2 Black Numenoreans
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:57 am 
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Theres a lot of things here that for me......isnt 'wrong' but just should be done differently if you want a competitive force or a working one.

People of course will always disagree with me, but to each his own. Having played Mordor as much as any other force or more, here's how I would build mine or make suggestions:

1-Witch King stacked is nice on fell beast. 3 attack morgul crown to me, is an absolute misuse of points. It gives you only one more attack on the fell beast. YES, on foot you'll still have three but as a fell beast player I can tell you only the toughest players should be able to get you off him. Anyway, you dont want to be in combat too much. If you are a lot, there's already something wrong. You get 3 attacks on the charge already as well. Armored fell beast is pretty expensive....Ive never found a need for one. fell beast has only been damaged when Ive already been in trouble and thats rare. Ive never been dismounted before the end of the game and that still has happened very very few times.
2-Thats a lot of points for your Witch King. Unless youre playing someone who you know takes a small amount of troops, youre spending 250 points on upgrades. Thats 1/3 of your army for one model. I severly believe you will probably not make your points back.
3-2 Morgul Knights.....I honestly dont see the point. At this number of troops you can fit in nearly 3 Morannons for each Morgul Knight and I suggest you do. Or more Numenoreans. Id suggest more of them considering you have few troops and the Witch Kings Harbinger of evil. Ill keep harping on it but your number of troops for Mordor is way too low, which brings me to my next point.
4-Where. Is. Your. Shaman. With Mordor and Orcs, is pretty much always a go to. Your other heroes' stand fast arent great. And you also need fury to save troops.
5-Dead Marsh Specters......theyre not bad but have the witch king to move things you want. I get want to draw things out and Murder them.....youre investing way too much into that idea though.
Taking several of them in an army that you have too few troops in going to kill you.
6-Banner....its good.....but I mean, an extra roll at fight 3 isnt killing anyone. Id prefer troops.

You have 30 troops at 750. That sounds like at the least you are playing high elves, with less fight value and less staying power. Not good numbers at all. Again....unless you have a close group of people you play with and know they take small numbers.

Shagrat is awesome. Thats a good idea. The might from the cheap orc hero is good. Morannons are always a thorn in the side of most armies.
But otherwise you need a lot more troops.

If I can say a few things Id:
-Take off Morgul crown
-Take out Morgul Knights
-Take out at least a spectre.

Thats already almost 150 pts worth of stuff. I still also believe youre investing too much into the Witch King. I never put on the armor in an army your style and I never have issues. In addition I think something like 3/17/3 or 3/18/3 should suffice.

Again....all opinion, but Ive made an army like this a dozen or more times.

What is your goal with this army anyway? Maybe if you are planning something I dont see I have misspoken.

Here's a basical quick 750 pt Mordor army I'd do:

Witch King on Fell Beast 3/18/3
Shagrat, War BAMF
Orc Shaman on Warg
Gorbag with Shield

25 Morannons 13 hand weapon and shield 12 spear
6 Black Numenoreans
3 spectres
4 Orc Spearmen
1 Orc with shield

Same Might, 1 extra warband(for placement tactics, this helps vastly), 9 more troops.

Or basically you cant take out Gorbag and orcs and put in Morgul Knights if you really want or a banner. But I think mine is optimized.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:11 am 

Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:06 pm
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Ok, so let me see, what you're saying is that I shouldn't be getting the Witch King into combat? Someone else told me that, but I thought that with the monstrous mount, he'd be good for both magic and combat. You'll have to explain the logic behind not putting him in combat, because I don't understand that. I feel the need to take the armoured fell beast for the safety of the defense 7. I guess I always bring a banner because I always felt that a re-roll in any situation was a good thing, probably because I always do it with my Isengard Uruk-Hai force, but they are fight 4, strength 4. I don't have a shaman on the list because 1) I don't have one on a warg, and haven't had the chance to modify one for it yet. The other is because with my uruk-hai shaman, people always tell me that the 5+ save isn't worth the points.
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:26 am 

Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:27 am
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I agree with most the points Lordofthebrownring stated, and wanted to add a few of my own points aswell.

Personally I find the Witchking to be fairly lackluster, he's a decent caster, but Undying does it far better, and on a Fellbeast, no contest imo, especially paired with other magic users/ or Kardush especially. And if combat is what your looking for Knight of Umbar, Khamul, and Undying again are superior, with a good mention to the dark Marshal, if your still looking to add a banner ( 6 inch at that) which extends even further due to the beast.

Shamans are a most always worth the price of entry if you are fielding a force of likewise creatures, fearless and 1 in 3 chance to just ignore dying on troop models, is amazing. It gives you the extra bit of edge you need.

And on the Fellbeast saftey, basically what Lord was stating is that due to speed and in the ways, a beast will get to pick it's combats quickly, thus avoiding being shot mainly, in combat your looking to assassinate and pick decisive combats for hurling, etc. Not just charge them ad a front line beater, use a troll chief for that. The extra points are better used elsewhere imo.
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:19 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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I don't think that the Morgul Knights are so bad, expecially when leaded by a Nazgul (DarK Marshal for his Banner Effect). The Harbinger of evil + terror combo should make them relatively safe from counterchanging. But then, of course, most evil armies have access to shamans and Elves will probably be able to repel them and countercharge.
Point is, I don't think they are so bad. But I get LOTBR point, they are indeed expensive.

Shagrat is a excellent fighter. And Gorbag is a good choice, so you can spend his might for heroic movements and marches instead of Shagrat's. But you could also consider a Black Uruk captain. F5, S5, D7 and courage 6 when a Nazgul is around. Is a tough fella.

Then drop the Morgul Crown. If you want a fighting Nazgul, go with the Knight of Umbar on fell beast. His ability to mimic is amazing at this point level, where Big Heroes are usually around.
Immobilize, Charge, Mimic and Rend. Even Gil-Galad will have a tough time dealing with this.
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:18 am 
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This is what I would take for that list.

Mordor 750pts

Warband 1
The Dark Marshall on Fell Beast
6 Morannon orcs with shield
6 Morannon orcs with shield and spear

Warband 2
6 Morannon orcs with shield
6 Morannon orcs with shield and spear

Warband 3
Shagrat, War leader
7 Morannon orcs with shield
1 Morannon orc with shield and banner

Warband 4
Mordor Orc Taskmaster
7 Morannon orcs with shield
1 Mordor orc with spear

Warband 5
Castellan of Dol Guldur with Morgul blade

total: 750
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:33 am 
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LOTRIsengard wrote:
Ok, so let me see, what you're saying is that I shouldn't be getting the Witch King into combat? Someone else told me that, but I thought that with the monstrous mount, he'd be good for both magic and combat. You'll have to explain the logic behind not putting him in combat, because I don't understand that. I feel the need to take the armoured fell beast for the safety of the defense 7. I guess I always bring a banner because I always felt that a re-roll in any situation was a good thing, probably because I always do it with my Isengard Uruk-Hai force, but they are fight 4, strength 4. I don't have a shaman on the list because 1) I don't have one on a warg, and haven't had the chance to modify one for it yet. The other is because with my uruk-hai shaman, people always tell me that the 5+ save isn't worth the points.

For one, the Witch King loses will every combat. That sucks. Two, you want him to fly around and pick soft targets like wizards sometimes, but mostly banners, shamans, and light heroes, cavalry, etc. He is not a combat model even on dragon.
The knight of umbar, Khamul, and to lesser extent the dark marshall are the only that should be in combat.
Your friends who tell you a shaman is not worth the points are absolutely wrong. Ask ANY serious player. A shaman can win you a game and easily save dozens of points worth of models. You need take no terror tests the whole game, and when you break he keeps all your low courage units around. I can not emphasize enough how important a shaman
Id like to play against your friends with a shaman to let them know.

That being said, ok, mtd if its not a tournament, you can convert or proxy amongst friends. If not, put him on foot then.....

Arthas367 wrote:
I agree with most the points Lordofthebrownring stated, and wanted to add a few of my own points aswell.

Personally I find the Witchking to be fairly lackluster, he's a decent caster, but Undying does it far better, and on a Fellbeast, no contest imo, especially paired with other magic users/ or Kardush especially. And if combat is what your looking for Knight of Umbar, Khamul, and Undying again are superior, with a good mention to the dark Marshal, if your still looking to add a banner ( 6 inch at that) which extends even further due to the beast.

Shamans are a most always worth the price of entry if you are fielding a force of likewise creatures, fearless and 1 in 3 chance to just ignore dying on troop models, is amazing. It gives you the extra bit of edge you need.

And on the Fellbeast saftey, basically what Lord was stating is that due to speed and in the ways, a beast will get to pick it's combats quickly, thus avoiding being shot mainly, in combat your looking to assassinate and pick decisive combats for hurling, etc. Not just charge them ad a front line beater, use a troll chief for that. The extra points are better used elsewhere imo.

Agree with the named wraiths part and yes as he said, use my witch king mostly to commit to using magic against enemy heroes and have other troops kill them. I disagree with many saying the witch king is just meh but the fact is he def shouldnt be a combat wraith.

Dikey wrote:
I don't think that the Morgul Knights are so bad, expecially when leaded by a Nazgul (DarK Marshal for his Banner Effect). The Harbinger of evil + terror combo should make them relatively safe from counterchanging. But then, of course, most evil armies have access to shamans and Elves will probably be able to repel them and countercharge.
Point is, I don't think they are so bad. But I get LOTBR point, they are indeed expensive.

Shagrat is a excellent fighter. And Gorbag is a good choice, so you can spend his might for heroic movements and marches instead of Shagrat's. But you could also consider a Black Uruk captain. F5, S5, D7 and courage 6 when a Nazgul is around. Is a tough fella.

Then drop the Morgul Crown. If you want a fighting Nazgul, go with the Knight of Umbar on fell beast. His ability to mimic is amazing at this point level, where Big Heroes are usually around.
Immobilize, Charge, Mimic and Rend. Even Gil-Galad will have a tough time dealing with this.

Yeah Morgul Knights arent bad but in his army there is no marshall which worries me. In addition his low amount of units will help enemies counter charge them more because the enemy will likely outnumber him or match him and pass courage with elves or dwarves.

He needs more support for them. I didnt find there was any.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:25 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:06 pm
Posts: 41
Thank you all for your input, I asked around a bit locally to understand why not to take the banner, and found that it isn't mathematically feasible with Morannon Orcs. After taking everything into account, and trying to figure out why I wouldn't take the shaman in the first place, here is a 750pt list based on what I currently have and will soon have. Let me know what you guys think:

Witch King of Angmar on a Fell Beast 3M 16W 3F
3 morannon orcs w/ shields
1 morannon orc w/ spear
2 morannon orcs w/ shields & spears
1 orc warrior w/ shield
2 orc warriors w/ spears
2 black numenoreans
1 black guard of barad dur

Captain of the Black Guard
3 morannon orcs w/ shields
1 morannon orc w/ spear
2 morannon orcs w/ shiels & spears
1 orc warrior w/ shield
1 orc warrior w/ spear
2 black numenoreans
2 black guards of barad dur

Gorbag w/ shield
3 morannon orcs w/ shields
2 morannon orcs w/ spears
1 morannon orc w/ shield & spear
2 orc warriors w/ spears
2 black numenoreans
2 black guards of barad dur

Mordor Orc Shaman
3 morannon orcs w/ shields
2 morannon orcs w/ spears
1 morannon orc w/ shield & spear
2 orc warriors w/ spears
2 black numenoreans
2 black guards of barad dur

What do you guys think of that?
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:10 pm 
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I like it a lot. The army looks solid and the black guard is tough. Keep your Shaman safe!

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 6:50 am 

Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:06 pm
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Ok, I have a couple of questions, if you wouldn't mind answering. I'm planning to use the black guard to protect the flanks on the warbands, as well as the black numenoreans. Should I make sure to have enough spears to support the numenoreans as well? Also, though a banner isn't worth having in this situation, when would you consider it feasible? When would you consider it feasible with my Isengard uruk-hai force?
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:49 am 
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First of all the banner would be an excellent addition to any force from Isengard.

To answer the other question it is always better to have spear support. I try to have one spear in my bad guy armies for every one model in front of it. It is a good thing that those figures are fight four and also have shields so you can use their shielding rule and have two attacks to protect the flanks while you bust through the lines.

So I would say YES on the spears.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:38 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:06 pm
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In that case, what do you think of this list, making sure that I have a spear for every model in my front line. The list is based on what I own/will soon own. Are there too many regular orc warriors?

Witch King of Angmar 3M 16W 3F on a Fell Beast
1 black guard of barad dur
1 black numenorean
3 morannon orcs w/ shields
1 orc warrior w/ shield
2 morannon orcs w/ shields + spears
1 morannon orc w/ spear
3 orc warriors w/ spears

Mordor Orc Shaman
2 black guards of barad dur
1 black numenorean
3 morannon orcs w/ shields
2 morannon orcs w/ shields + spears
1 morannon orc w/ spear
3 orc warriors w/ spears

Captain Of The Black Guard
2 Black Guards of Barad Dur
1 Black Numenorean
3 morannon orcs w/ shields
1 morannon orc w/ shield + spear
2 morannon orcs w/ spears
3 orc warriors w/ spears

Gorbag w/ shield
2 black guards of barad dur
1 black numenorean
3 morannon orcs w/ shield
1 morannon orc w/ shield + spear
2 morannon orcs w/ spears
3 orc warriors w/ spears

According to my math, I have room to upgrade most of the orcs w/ spears to morannon orcs w/ spears, which I don't currently have enough of. Should I just put the money down for more Morannon spears?
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 Post subject: Re: 750pt Mordor List
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:40 am 
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D5 base and S4? Yes plz :)
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