The One Ring

Moria Army Advice
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Author:  LOTRIsengard [ Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Moria Army Advice

Hi guys,
I know, I've been asking for advice a lot lately, but I think my next project will be an LOTR (No Hobbit) Moria army. I'm just wondering which models you guys think would be best for any army list from 500-1000pts? I'm looking at something like:
24 Moria Goblin Warriors (Maybe more?)
Gundabad Blackshields Captain & Shaman
Moria Goblin Captain & Shaman
8 Gundaband Blackshields
6 Moria Goblin Prowlers
2 Giant Bats
Druzhag, The Beastcaller
Cave Troll
One of the monsters?

I also already have 12 orc warriors (may have a handful more soon) and 12 Warg Riders. What do you guys think? More or less of anything?

Thank you!

Author:  Arthas367 [ Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

Well not a bad little start by any means.

I would defintely try to acquire both Durburz and Groblog (this one can be a hassle I know) but they both add heaps to army in my opinion.

Durburz under fury is a 12 inch bubble of Auto pass, and otherwise still brings 3 might and a fairly solid body for cost.

Groblog let's you conserve might from your shamans, which should go with out saying is very effective, and also brings another 3 might to the table.

All the monsters have a place in my opinion and three is no terrible option between dweller and troll, but both must be tended to differently, and always try to support them if possible.

I'm a fan of marauders personally ( as are many others I'm sure) great shock unit with longevity and actual fighting power when not charging. Also anything that knocks down models for prowlers is a good thing

Author:  LOTRIsengard [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

Hey, I have a few more questions. How many bat swarms do you think are enough, how many marauders (I'll have to make them from regular wargs and goblins, now that they're OOP)? Also, is a Moria Goblin Drum worth it?

Author:  Arthas367 [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

Moria Goblin drums are quite bad in my opinion, the Gundabad Drummers are world's better and I still have trouble putting them in over say 20 Goblins with equipment, I mean hell for 20 more points your can put in the Dark Marshall, who shares most of the same exact effects, with might and a decent body to boot.

On the Warg Marauders, really depends on what your going for list wise, I like having 1 atleast in most lists.

Batswarms you never need terribly many 1 or 2 depending on points usually is more than enough. They swoop in to support the right fights and trap mainly

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

yes keep the bats nearby key nasty things in melee to help em out fighting stuff...dont throw them to trash however, since the´re squishy...

For example keep em nearby your heroes to give em a a better chance to fight a target more or so in equivalent fight value or lower, or support monsters :)

If you support a troll and hes facing a captain (random fight 4) hes gonna drop to fight 2 and to equal the troll fight value he needs 4s, 5+ to get above it, suddently a captain heroic strike just became even harder to be usefull...

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

Arthas367 wrote:
I mean hell for 20 more points your can put in the Dark Marshall, who shares most of the same exact effects, with might and a decent body to boot.

Yeah but the goblin/ gundabad drum is A) Thematic B) 18'' Banner and C) Board wide courage bonus for you and penalty for your opponent. A drum is well worth the points. Even at 450pts I take a gundabad drum and just swarm goblins.

Author:  Arthas367 [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

SouthernDunedain wrote:
Arthas367 wrote:
I mean hell for 20 more points your can put in the Dark Marshall, who shares most of the same exact effects, with might and a decent body to boot.

Yeah but the goblin/ gundabad drum is A) Thematic B) 18'' Banner and C) Board wide courage bonus for you and penalty for your opponent. A drum is well worth the points. Even at 450pts I take a gundabad drum and just swarm goblins.

I see nothing wrong theme wise from a ringwraith commanding the dark lords forces wherever they may be.

And I do understand your points, especially at 450 pts, you are required to hide almost a 4th of your army for fear of one being killed and the whole thing being nullified, thereby limiting the 18' banner effectiveness, and if you want to add blackshields to protect it/ replacements you are further investing in bodies to stand around not taking place in the fight.

Every time I'll take the equivalent in troops, it's a full warband for goblins or quite a few elite troop items. And at 450 it's really not even a option I would consider to be honest. Why worry about courage when I can buy two shamans and still be using less points wise ?

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

This was a list I had goal in mind, its a a 52 model list wide, but heavy on elite kind of goblins.

Moria 750pts

Warband 1
Durbûrz, The Goblin King
5 Gundabad Blackshields with shield
4 Gundabad Black shields with shield and spear
1 Bat swarm
1 Gundabad blackshield drummers(2models)

Warband 2
5 Gundabad Blackshields with shield
7 Moria Goblins with spear

Warband 3
Moria Goblin Shaman
6 Moria Goblin prowlers with shield
6 Moria Goblins with spear

Warband 4
Moria Goblin Shaman
10 Moria Goblin prowlers with orc bow
1 Moria Cave troll
1 Giant Spider

total: 750pts

Author:  LOTRIsengard [ Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

This is the basic 500pt list I have set up for now, I will begin to incorporate bat swarms and marauders as I get them, perhaps a cave troll? Is that worth the points? Anyways, I've set up this list according to the concept that with Moria, I should be severely outnumbering my opponent, which this list should do, at only 500pts.

5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ shields
5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ spears
2 Gundabad Blackshields

Moria Goblin Captain
5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ shields
5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ spears
2 Moria Goblin Prowlers

Moria Goblin Shaman
5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ shields
5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ spears
2 Gundabad Blackshields

Moria Goblin Captain w/ shield
5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ shields
5 Moria Goblin Warriors w/ spears
2 Moria Goblin Prowlers

Moria Goblin Captain w/ shield
1 Moria Goblin Warrior w/ spear

Author:  Clanswoman o Lamedon [ Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moria Army Advice

Remember, you don't need a pertular mini to field someone, you jsut need something to Represent them!

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