The One Ring |
High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
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Author: | Galdorv [ Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
Hi guys. I want to play a 350 pts but I an not sure if i should play with these warbands Glorfindel High elf warriors shield and spears 174 Haldir Archers 4 Shield and spears 4 Warriors with swords 2 Both warbands 350 pts 16 warriors Or play with a full army of Galadhrim, removing the high elf and save their points in order to get more troops? Captain Warriors with spears and shield 7 Warriors with sword 7 Haldir Archers 8 349 pts 24 warriors So power with Glorfindel or more troops? |
Author: | Khan_gfn [ Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
Don't use Glorfindel at this points level. 16 models with S3 is just embarassing and won't win you many games. List 2 looks ok, just replace the captain with either Stormcaller or Rumil. And there's no point in taking Haldir without bow. Consider also switching galadhrims archers with normal Wood Elves, the you'll be able to squeeze one more model in. |
Author: | Galanur [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
Khan makes good points, unless you go with an all out heroe group at 350pts( and they need to be good, not random) dont take big nasty heroes with it. Haldir you got a few choices, normal bow or go the helms deep, that despite hes more effective melee wise through sacrifice, hes a bit cheaper, but a bit more usefull with aragorn and theoden around. Still Since the game is so small, that haldir sacrifice might be handy in some situations. Other than this I would recommend just to stick to the 90pts(average heroes) they should be more than enough for what you need and the named ones around this cost are amazing. Rúmil its a major nasty character for the elves at this low point cost game, his skill comes very handy. |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:26 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
Id say always try to get more troops at lower points values. |
Author: | Galanur [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
Th If I was to play 350pts funny list I would go for. Thranduil, King of Mirkwood 2 Wood elves with throwing daggers and spears 2 wood elves with throwing daggers and spears 2 wood elf sentinels Warband 2 Rúmil with elven cloak 2 Wood elves with throwing daggers and spears 2 wood elves with throwing daggers and spears 2 wood elf sentinels total: 350 Its very funny to use the sentinels for this army and despite them being an overpriced elf with bow to do the same effect, they got elven cloaks which leaves em 11pts above normal elf with same gear to gain 3 spells that cannot be resisted and got 2A each... quite unusual for wood elves... keep in mind its a very fast burning list, so you need carefull planning and hit swift and deadly with them. |
Author: | Galdorv [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
Khan_gfn wrote: List 2 looks ok, just replace the captain with either Stormcaller or Rumil. And there's no point in taking Haldir without bow. I will try to get Rumil or the stormcaller. (Particularly I like the stormcaller because is cheap magic) LordoftheBrownRing wrote: Id say always try to get more troops at lower points values. Galanur wrote: Khan makes good points, unless you go with an all out heroe group at 350pts( and they need to be good, not random) dont take big nasty heroes with it. Other than this I would recommend just to stick to the 90pts(average heroes) they should be more than enough for what you need and the named ones around this cost are amazing. is there a rule of thumb to determinate the ratio of troops or power? I mean for this scenario of 350 pts you recommend me heroes 90pts average and more troops for lower levels. what about 500 pts or 1000pts? when big heroes as Elrond are affordable? or in which cases is better to get more power with the troops than numbers? |
Author: | Galanur [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
This game got no ratio, its more like common sense :P Normally in this game, like most of em, the more troops = more dice rolling = more chances to win, look at the goblins, normally a competitive wining goblin list dont involve monsters, they involver sheer weight of numbers and overwhelm your oponent 6 to 1, even if you lose the majority of the combats, those few yu win are normally followed by grim situations for your oponent cause he can´t afford to lose a 6v1 else its almost guarantee a dead. Big heroes like Elrond, need to be well considered for their role/purpose on the field, if you´re going to throw them just because of "yes" and the´re cool and all, but then got no practical way to make their role standing, you better keep instead with cheaper heroes, they will do what´s tasked for em within their own limitations and if you lose em, won´t be much of a break deal that will commit your entire army cause he/she died. At 350pts you also can go all heroe army, in this case you need to carefully pick what heroes render´s you the most effectiveness. For example: Thranduil, kimg of mirkwood Legolas greenleaf with armour and elven cloak Radagast the brown with sebastian total: 350pts The deal of all heroe army is that you need to be very carefull how you play with them. Its not like the Three hunters on a scenario and be like aragorn at amon hen vs 60 uruks ahead of him cause hes a hero and can take all, in this game things dont go like that (unless you keep rolling 6s like 90% of the time). |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:11 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: High elf and Galadhrim for 350 pts |
Ratio and force all depends on army, scenarios, goals you have, and a lot more. It's a very malleable thing and there is no set rules. |
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