The One Ring |
Isengard - 600 pts, feedback much appreciated! |
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Author: | Roäc [ Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:31 pm ] |
Post subject: | Isengard - 600 pts, feedback much appreciated! |
Hello everyone! New to the forums and returning to the game after a long hiatus from the LOTR/Hobbit SBG. I'm joining an upcoming tournament and I have been trying to make the best of what's in my collection at the moment. It's probably not optimal, but I'd love some feedback on my current options. My first list has an Isengard Troll, but would I be better of sizing down the warbands and ditching the troll in favor of an additional warband like in "list 2"? I do have more regular shield and pike warriors as well, if more regular boots on the ground is a better idea than a bunch of berserkers and a feral? List 1: Warband 1 Vrasku 8 Uruk-hai Warriors w/crossbow Warband 2 Captain w. Shield and H. Armour 11 Uruk-hai Warriors (5 w/shield, 6 w/pike) 1 Isengard Troll Warband 3 Uruk-hai Shaman 3 Berserkers 1 Feral Uruk-hai 8 Uruk-hai Warriors (2 w/shield, 5 w/pike) 600pts, 34 units + 1 Monster, 6 Might List 2: Warband 1 Vrasku 8 Uruk-Hai Warriors w/crossbow Warband 2 Captain w. Shield and H. Armour 7 Uruk-Hai Warriors (3 w/shield, 4 w/pike) 1 Feral Uruk-Hai Warband 3 Captain w. Shield and H. Armour 7 Uruk-Hai Warriors (3 w/shield, 4 w/pike) 1 Uruk-Hai Berserker Warband 4 Uruk-hai Shaman 3 Uruk-Hai Berserkers 7 Uruk-Hai Warriors (2 w/shield, 5 w/pike) 600pts, 38 units, 8 Might |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Isengard - 600 pts, feedback much appreciated! |
May I ask why you have only one feral in each list? Do you own just one? Idk its hard to pass up the two extra might and more units but played well the troll can do all the impact in the world. |
Author: | Spike117 [ Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:20 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Isengard - 600 pts, feedback much appreciated! |
Well, having just played a battle fighting an Isengard troll, I'd say that a troll has a potential to destroy. It battered away Iron Guards, Grim Hammers, and Rangers away with ease. It took 8 Dwarves and Damrod fighting it at once to bring it down eventually, after it had done major damage. It's major problem is it's base size. If it is cut off from support and isolated, it will get bogged down very quickly. Additionally, it had trouble marching into the ruins I was defending because of said base size. It would have served much better as spear support in a formation, crushing opponents with his without fear of retaliation. At least it should have been sent with an escort. Once it fell, a major blow was done to the Evil army. With better strategy, I think it could have been the deciding point. |
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