The One Ring |
Help vs dwarves |
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Author: | Useraxe [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:47 am ] |
Post subject: | Help vs dwarves |
Hi! Me and my friend recently played versus eachother. I got some lucky rolls but I couldn't take down his gimli. In fact, I've never won versus him. What should I do? I have a isengard army with 24 scouts, 20 warriors, 1 troll, ugluk, vrasku, a captain, 2 berserkers and 4 warg riders. His army contains of Gimli, 1 set of dwarf rangers, 1 set of warriors and 3 iron guards. I am going to build a mordor army and I've already bought Gothmog on foot. I am going to buy some orcs soon but I dont know how I will do to win versus the dwarfs. Thanks! EDIT: I would be really nice if you guys could post a good Mordor 500 list that works well vs these sturdy dwarves ![]() |
Author: | Farmer Maggot [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
If you’re going to try Mordor, then Orcs with two-handed axes are a great help against dwarves. Try to trap them and then a few two-handed axes should make short work of the dwarves. |
Author: | Useraxe [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Okay, thanks! But how do I get many of those? Do I need to buy many packs of mordor orcs and then pick out the twohanded dudes? |
Author: | Draugluin [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:11 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Trolls. Monsters are awesome against most armies, but Dwarves brick up so much that it makes throwing that much more fun. Magic also tends to work really well. Saruman can just immobilise basically anybody. |
Author: | Useraxe [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:22 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Oh okay, thanks! I will defiently use my troll more. |
Author: | Grungehog [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
get a monster in cmbat with gimli, make sure you win the combat, then rend him |
Author: | Dikey [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Also, Dwarves are extremely vulnerable against cavalry. Even a simple rider will get 4 attacks to wound if he wins the fight. |
Author: | Useraxe [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Okay, I will try to do what you've said, thanks! |
Author: | Useraxe [ Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Accidentally answered three times, ooops! |
Author: | thekingofkings [ Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
before you give up on the white hand, may I suggest, sharku and company on wargs with orc bows, uruk crossbows and more berserkers? I would likely drop the troll and ugluk, and crossbow and arrow the squat beards. My opponent at home commands a vast dwarven army, and I can usually get about 50-50 against him with isengard. |
Author: | Farmer Maggot [ Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:39 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
On one sprue you get 2 with the handed weapons (a pick and an axe), both of which can piercing strike, plus an Orc with a shield and pick. You really need the others to help surround your enemy, so I’d say use the whole sprue to give a good rounded war band. |
Author: | Useraxe [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:04 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Okay! Should I bring morannon vs dwarfs or is it better with more numbers with mordor orcs? Also is Gothmog worth ot? I wanted a hero that could compete vs the dwarf heroes |
Author: | Farmer Maggot [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Morannon orcs will be better against dwarf warriors without shields and iron guard but no better against dwarf warriors with shields or Rangers. You'd get more benefit from strength 3 and piercing strike against those I think. Maybe taking a warband of each would be good. I’ve never used Gothmog but he should be pretty good against Gimli, especially on a Warg. |
Author: | Useraxe [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Okay! And I was thinking putting in one of these ringwraiths: the shadowlord, khamûl or the knight of umbar in the future but I don't really know which one. I am leaning towards knight of umbar tho |
Author: | Khan_gfn [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:59 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
On a fellbeast, go for Knight of Umbar, he's a real monster in combat. On horse I'd choose Shadow Lord, altough it really depends on whether your opponent plays with a lot of bows. If that's the case, Shadow Lord will definitely be useful. |
Author: | Useraxe [ Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:17 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
My opponents are gondor and dwarves. The gondor dude uses bows fairly often and the dwarf army have very many bows and throwing axes so SL would maybe be the one. I have now also discovered the beauty of harad so this will even get more complicated. Isengard is a strong army indeed, but I think they are actually boring because of the armies is always quite similiar. I like variation. I could actually mix harad and mordor but I dont know how that would work vs dwarves and gondor. |
Author: | DEMONSBANE [ Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:52 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
With you Isengard force there are a couple of things you could try to change the way your army play. First you run with alot of scouts , try using Mauhur his marauder upgrade helps grabbing objective , flanking / trapping. we never runs scouts without it. Two change the mix of your force. Try crossbows, 24 " range str 4 hits wil give you options think of them not as pure missle troops but regular uruks with a range option. The troll and the large number of scouts are a big point sink, instead consider increasing your berserkers and consider ferals along with the crossbows. Inclosing if you play the same scenario , taking the same army , play can become strerotyped and stale. Any army will start to feel stale. As for your opponents Dwarves - tough but static gun line to snipe and weaken them, if they get into a bow duel you should win. as for the battleline fix and flank as I can see uruk v dwarves being quite protracted. Gondor is quite strong in defence but weak in attack,gunline them fix and flank, uruks will have an advantage over men. |
Author: | Useraxe [ Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:47 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Okay! The only time I use scouts is when I have to fill out those last points. I want to buy crossbows and berserkers but they are temporialy out of stock on gw atm :/ but I will try to get some. |
Author: | Galanur [ Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
I played 1250pts dwarves vs Gundabad but we followed the old lotr version of any kind of heroes and warriors without warband restriction... He had like Balin with durinss axe, Gimli, some captain then alot of dwarves (30 ish khazad) and the remain normal guyss with sshield, 2 handed and alot bows. He totally had around 115 dwarves or so... my army was made of azog, 2 gundabad caps, troll chief, mordor troll, 24 hunter orcs, 27 goblin town goblins and around 40 proxy gundabad orcs He wanted to drag my army in at the dwarven lines meanwhile he would fall further keeping distance for shooting... he dragged balin and all the khazad and some shields to his left side to flank my force in a pincer move.. (it was a flank of 43 dwarves total, all D7 and 80% S4 nastiness... Since I noticed his goading I waited a turn for him to push further back with the remain 60 ish dwarves while arraging my lines and then out of nowhere pushed suddent heroic marches and moved my entire army from my left side flank to engage his left side flanking force... The goblins were the closest so I moved around to cut off his main khazad line from falling back and thrown goblins even on outnumbered matches to buy enough time for the remain of my army to get there. Hunter orcs came crashing down on the enemy 2 turns after, 1st 1 or 2 going in then more and more flowing into combat along with some gundabads... my main gundabad line started to move behind this dwarven flanking force to secure the cut off retreat line that the goblins initially had started. Once succeded I tried to bulk up the dwarves as close to eachother as I could (by this time almost all the goblins were dead) Then the big thing came up..... the troll chieftain and the mordor troll charged this bulk. The 1st crash they thrown dwarves deep inside their lines killing with some luck 2/3 a turn.. I even killed some of the goblins in the process... Since the dwarves where so tight to eachother, any combat they would lost, would be like to find themselves trapped or pinned down by troll slams... Azog dealt with balin easily and (imagening the scene, cutted the dwarf head off, dragged it up high with his claw hand and pointed his middle finger at Gimli who was a bit far behind with the remain dwarves and on sight to azog. Game ended as my oponent realized the turned tables I did changing my entire army flank, as he completly underestimated me thinking I couldn´t think of strategy like him. He tried to push his entire army to help that flanking force, but the gundabad blocking the retreat line done its job holding them... Trolls are amazing creatures, more if you tie up the dwarves with useless rabble. Then throw in nasty gundabad orcs and hunter orcs and voilá... they get pretty much overwhelmed... All this scene wass pretty much close to wat happened on min 2.03 of thiss video... literally like that , and I showed my oponent after the game lool |
Author: | Useraxe [ Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:31 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Help vs dwarves |
Galanur, I must say I enjoy reading your texts. They are great! Really good described battle, shows that orcs can take down those sturdy dwarves. This will change my opinions of troll: I will defiently get some more of those! Nice with the comparison with a video ![]() |
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