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 Post subject: How many points do you need to field a Mumakil?
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 12:24 pm 

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I have never played with or against a Mumakil, but I'm interested in how many points you'd need to be able to field a Mumakil succesfully in a tournament?

I got a Mumakil, 11 Hard warriors with bows, a Suladan and 11 Serpent Riders (approximatly) for 600 points. Is that something that could work?

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 Post subject: Re: How many points do you need to field a Mumakil?
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:05 pm 
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Well its one of those things you need to plan well, cause a mumakill its a big point investment.

If I was to field one, I would consider the type of crew you take along with it.
For example I find myself very pleased with mumak with sigils and karma haradrim with bows on top (not the watchers of karma)

Slightly less expensive overall, but I dont waste points on having extra attacks and rules that dont affect melee... but will also give a greater purpose to the mumak giving resistant to magic and a 6+ *fury roll to the crew making worth their cheaper points even more.

At 600pts a mumak could work, but ideally 750 its the go.
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 Post subject: Re: How many points do you need to field a Mumakil?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:25 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:31 pm
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Thanks for the input!

I'm thinking:

Mumak with Cheiftain
11 Warriors of of Karna with bow

Haradrim Cheiftain with horse and war spear
11 Serpent Riders

597 points

Does the Cheiftain/Mumak and the Cheiftain on horse count when considering bow limit? Or do I need 11 extra men for 11 bowmen? If so I could maybe remove a serpent rider or two and add a haradrim raider on horse with banner instead. But then again, the Mumak counts as a banner, I just need to stay close enough.

I'd rather have Sualadan, but I need to take a lot less serpent riders, and that means less men. Meaning less bowmen on the mumak!

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 Post subject: Re: How many points do you need to field a Mumakil?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:55 pm 
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As for bow limit, dont count the heroes.
The list seems ok, its simple really nothing that fancy but then fielding a mumak you would expect no less....

Have you consider the upgrades? just wondering...

Personally I would field a mumak at 750 and I currently got 2.
Less than 750 its risky to say the mumak gonna be effective, cause you need infantry on foot as well in case your mumak gives you trouble or dont want him to be messed up forever on things he can´t kill cause he can´t win combats..
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 Post subject: Re: How many points do you need to field a Mumakil?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:09 pm 

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I added the magic resist. But there is very limited points in 600, espescially if I want warriors of Karna with bows!

I could also take a Haradrim King on horse and have a war spear, and only have 10 serpent riders. I think I'll need to have a test game with the Mumak as I've never seen it fielded or played it myself.

There's a 600 points tournament in the end of January. I'm just not sure how to get my Minas Tirith army from 500 to 600 without changing it a lot. And I have a Mumak and a lot of Haradrim I can and want to paint up. Thought I'd ask for some pointers. I think 10-11 Serpent Riders next to a Mumak would look really cool at least!

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 Post subject: Re: How many points do you need to field a Mumakil?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:54 pm 
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Cool yes, usefull? depends... good thing is that the mumakil warband wont break on courage tests, so they all need to die along with mumak... for the enemy to break you, they will have to kill quite a bunch stuff really...

If you like mix, I would high recommend you to get other models around as well
Easterlings as allies suits well, all footslog with a priest or mounted with khand and kataphrack.... those fury rolls and courage immunity on that warband seems quite nice.

And im glad you put the banners on the mumak, that thing its not only usefull on that 6+ fury save (sort of speaking) but renders the mumak 1 big advantage, magic resistance to the chieftain on top vs wizards (as its the only easy way to stop a mumak).

If at 600pts I would field mumak either would try these lists.

For fun:

War Mumak of Harad with Rocks and Sigil of defiance
11 warriors of Karna
1 Haradrim warrior with horn

Warband 2
Khandish King on chariot
2 khand chariots
1 Khandish horseman



War Mumak of Harad with Rocks and Sigil of defiance
10 warriors of Karna
1 Haradrim warrior with horn and bow

Warband 2
Easterling war priest on armoured horse
7 Kataprack black dragons



War Mumak of Harad with Rocks and Sigil of defiance
10 warriors of Karna(2x with bow)
1 Haradrim warrior with horn

Warband 2
Easterling war priest on armoured horse
5 khadish chariots (3 with bow)

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 Post subject: Re: How many points do you need to field a Mumakil?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:21 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:31 pm
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Yeah, I need the magic resist, will meet some ringwraiths at least.

Interesting lists, and good themey mix as well! :)

Problem is that I only have Haradrim models (not true, but only Goblin Town, Isengard Uruk-hai and some orcs for Evil), so I'm trying work with that. I'll try to make a 600 points list without the Mumak as well.

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