The One Ring |
Last Alliance Army |
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Author: | MWL_Rambo [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:43 pm ] |
Post subject: | Last Alliance Army |
Does anyone have experience with using them? What opinions do you have on them? What would you think are the strengths and weaknesses? If you could only pick one of the 4 main heroes who were there to be your leader in your force which would it be and why? Gil-Galad, Elrond, Elendil or Isildur? |
Author: | Galanur [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Last Alliance Army |
Kinda more just the high elf side. Strengths: - elite army, every 1 has minimum fight 4. - Good courage all round - epic 2nd age Heroes, like Gil Galad, elendil and such (they are beasty) - the best mounted good heroe in the game while using the ring.(in my opinion: Isildur) - Good stand fast radious - you can upgrade high elves to kingsguard and even get more fight value to match big heroes standart fight value. - offers you diversity on infantry support - captains of Numenor are actually decent for point cost Weaknesses: - expensive army, except random captains, every epic heroe its 100pts + - infantry its expensive even the numenor - numenor only have D5 - lack of cavalry support without the knights of Rivendell that came with the hobbit - Epic heroes are so epic that they lack on what is common on these, the lack of Fate points, so any damage they take it will be harder for you to swallow. - you get outnumbered pretty often - tactics are all based round on infantry which can be bad in a way. If I was to pick 1 of the big heroes: 1st Choice: Gil Galad, not as expensive as elendil even on horse, can be as tough to kill and superb high fight value. Also have 12" stand fast radius and the spear which makes it a permanent wield "lance" regardless if you charge or not. 2nd choice: Isildur, why? hes cheap on the epic line heroes, just a tiny bit more than 100pts, decent stats, hard to crack and mainly what makes ihm virtually unsstoppable, the use of the One Ring.(can be tricky if the oponent got Sauron though). Elendil is fun too with heroic combats, but hes so expensive almost 200pts. Elrond its the good hard to crack made for every corner either to be in the thick of melee or spellcaster, even regening wounds with his spells... |
Author: | Wan Shi Tong [ Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:57 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Last Alliance Army |
Galanur covered the strengths and weakness pretty well so I will just give my opinion on the heroes. My top choice you'd be Gil Galad, not just for his impressive personal combat power but also for his kings guard upgrade with can let your troops deal more effectively with reavers, other elves and mid level heroes. For second choice I would have to say it would be either Isildur since I think he is the best hero in his points tear. Or a guy you didn't mentation for some reason Glorfindel, lord of the west. I'd take him over Elrond in almost any situation just because he is harder of wizards to deal with. I know he is not one of the guys you asked about but I think he has as much theme relevance as anyone else you asked about and I like him more. |
Author: | Galanur [ Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Last Alliance Army |
Speaking of Numenor, their soldiers are a bit more expensive that what they should by 1 point. This is prob what I would take at 750pts of Last Alliance: Warband 1 Gil Galad on horse with shield 4 King´s guard with elven blade and shield 4 King´s guard with spear and shield 3 High elves with elven bow Warband 2 Erestor 6 High elves with shield 3 High elves with elven bow Warband 3 Isildur on horse with shield 3 warriors of numenor with shield 3 warriors of numenor with shield and spear Warband 4 Captain of Numenor with heavy armour and shield 2 warriors of numenor with shield 3 warriors of numenor with shield and spear 3 warriors of numenor with bow |
Author: | Galanur [ Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Last Alliance Army |
If you wanted to toy a bit on an all out Cav army; Warband 1 Gil Galad on horse with shield Warband 2 Lindir on heavy armour and horse 10 Knights of Rivendell with shield Warband 3 Isildur on horse with shield Warband 4 Elendil on horse with shield |
Author: | Galanur [ Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Last Alliance Army |
Wan Shi Tong wrote: his kings guard upgrade with can let your troops deal more effectively with reavers, other elves and mid level heroes. Mind you King´guard with elven blade and shield can go shielding and even tie up big heroes like aragorn and having that tie up roll still a bit more in their favour. |
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