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 Post subject: 600 points High Elves
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:49 am 
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Joined: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:42 pm
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Hey all, it's been a while since I played the game. I (sort of) recently got a single pack blister of Gil-Galad and it kicked me back into High Elf mode. I know the twins are probably the best Heroes for the list, but I don't have them and don't plan on spending $70 to own the pair of them. Nor do I have Glorfindel or Erestor, actually. In fact, I really need to get on my Elf Heroes... :o

Warband 1
Gil-Galad with shield - 145pts
5 High Elves with shield - 50pts
6 High Elves with spear and shield - 66pts

Warband 2
Elf Captain with Elf bow - 80pts
9 High Elves with Elf bow - 99pts

Warband 3
Arwen with Elven cloak- 60pts
4 High Elves with Elven blade - 40pts
4 High Elves with spear and shield - 44pts

31 models, 6 Might. 594 points total.

Gondor: 2339pts
Rohan: 1318pts
Dwarves: 2482pts
Elves: 1091pts
Mordor: 2305pts
Isengard: 1762pts
Moria: 1463pts
Evil Men: 381pts
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points High Elves
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:00 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:27 am
Posts: 158
Twins are great, but a very simple upgrade would give this list alot of hitting power, Gil Galad's horse, up to 8 attacks with +1 to wound on F9 is one of thee scariest things most people could see bearing down on them ( and it increases his stand fast range to boot)
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points High Elves
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:56 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
self experience from playing with and against :

Gil Galad on horse is great and scary, you should get him on horse (rivendell knight captain works just fine for conversion purposes or get the unreleased minis one)

Twins are a great boost to your army and for 600pts game are well worth it. Generally with armour and horse is the way to go most of the times, consider this cause those 2 along with Gil Galad all mounted, its a living nightmare.

Arwen its the debate... She seems nice but she far no better than a high elf stormcaller in which case got bit more sspells and spell backup along with a bit better defence and S power to hit back unless you just want that Nature´s wrath .
Matter of preference on this one.

Dont bother getting elves with elven blades, most of the time you dont wanna use the two handed option to lose combat, normally S3/4 foes wound them on 5+, they are not, well more durable than wood elves, but they are still squishy...
Get them with shield and hand weapon and you´re good to go. Elves got huge problems fighting D6+ as they dont have enough to punch through , make the elves sturdy too to make the oponent´s life harder as well...

In all my recomendations would be.

Gil Galad on horse
Twins with armour on horse (although this is optional)
Lindir with armour on horse
Some Rivendell knights to support your mounted charge.
Elves with spear and shield
Elves with hand weapon and shield
Elves with elf bow (and spear if need be)
In case you need, throw in Arwen and hide her away for nature´s wrath goodness...

I know I know Lindir half power is a waste like it gives a free will to elrond, but then you´re more with him cause of the rivendell knights and the Resistant to magic special rule.

If you prefer to take elrond instead of Gil Galad, you can cut off arwen off the chart too as elrond do Arwen role but even better....
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points High Elves
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:34 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 1389
Another Funny list and it might turn out to be very competitive.

Warband 1
Elrond, Master of Rivendell
6 High elves with shield and hand weapons
5 wood elves with spear
1 wood elf

Warband 2
High elf captain with shield
4 high elves with shield and hand weapons
8 high elves with elven bows

Warband 3
Lindir with heavy armour on horse

Total: 600pts
Models: 27

its low count on models still, but rivendell when facing outnumbered you need to sstay away and sshoot.

Typhicall list would be.

Warband 1
Elrond with heavy armour and horse
2 Knights of Rivendell with shield

Warband 2
Lindir with heavy armour and horse

Warband 3
High elf Stormcaller
4 High elves with shield and hand weapon
6 High elves with bow and spear

Warband 4
Arwen with cloak
3 High elves with shield and hand weapon
2 High elves with shield and spear

total: 600pts
models: 21

The trick lies with heroes

If you wanna just improve what you got:

Warband 1
Gil Galad on horse with shield
5 King´s guard with shield and elven blade
5 wood elves with spear

Warband 2
Lindir with heavy armour and horse
5 Knights of Rivendell

Warband 3
Arwen with cloak
3 King´s guard with shield and blade
5 High elves with bow

total: 600
models: 26

The only way elven infantry can even bug the nasty enemy heroes, even powerfull heroes like aragorn as these have an incredible fight 6 and elven blades to balance the odds in your favour.
Also the army its quite a shooty one, compromising of 10 elves with bow, 5 on foot and 5 on horse which can make you able to run and shoot to wear down your oponent´s army as I tend to know that high elves die horribly when they start getting outnumbered.

Lindir Brings the resistant to magic to bear which can be a problem solver to Gil Galad as hes a nasty heroes, its likely to be spell targetted most of the times.
Lindir also brings the nasty knights of rivendell, cause elves on foot aint bad enough ;)

Arwen is the sneaky girl who stays behind your nasty elven line and pops nature´s wrath to further annoy your oponents and allowing your elves with better chances to survive.

This last list is how I prob would do it.
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points High Elves
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:00 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:48 am
Posts: 24
Location: Vancouver - Canada
Galanur wrote:
Dont bother getting elves with elven blades, most of the time you dont wanna use the two handed option to lose combat, normally S3/4 foes wound them on 5+, they are not, well more durable than wood elves, but they are still squishy...
Get them with shield and hand weapon and you´re good to go. Elves got huge problems fighting D6+ as they dont have enough to punch through , make the elves sturdy too to make the oponent´s life harder as well...

I had the same problem with my elf army and the elven blade. For me that was a waste of points. However, how elf can defeat a D6? More troops.? Support with pikes and spear?
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points High Elves
PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:18 am 
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Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:28 am
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I recently played a list like this and absolutely destroyed it.

First of all you have to put Gil Galad on a horse. He's amazingly powerful and getting that charge and knocked to the ground will easily help you defeat 2+ foot soldiers and he actually be able to kill them quite frequently.

The other thing I would like to mention is to get rid of Arwen. She's useless mostly and over costed.

If you wanted to keep her in there for a nice theme then by all means go for it but if you're trying to compete she's useless.

Use your bows to your advantage.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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