The One Ring

800 pts Isengard / All hero lists
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Author:  Khan_gfn [ Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  800 pts Isengard / All hero lists

an 800 points tournament is coming and I'm working on some lists for it. I will take two forces, good and evil. I know that for sure there will be some DoS scenarios played, although I don't yet know the details.

As for the Evil, I'm taking my new Isengard army.

Saruman (horse) Leader
4 Berserkers
2 Uruk-Hai (pikes)
1 Feral UH

UH Shaman (armour)
4 Berserkers
2 UH (pikes)
2 Warg Riders (shield)

UH Captain (heavy armour, shield)
4 Berserkers
3 UH (pikes)

11 UH (crossbows, pikes)


38 models, which is not great, but they're all pretty good units. I consider switching 3 pikes for 2 bersekers, but I'm a bit worried about the numbers and I fear that not all the bersekers will be able to get into the combat in one turn.
Also, I don't need 4 heroes to lead warbands, so it's possible that I'm supposed to exchange the captain for something else. Shagrat maybe? A budget wraith?h


As for the Good, I have been looking to playing an all-hero list for a while now and finally I think it will be suitable for the next tournament; I feel like all-hero could do well in DoS scenarios.
It started out as a Thorin's Comapny, and then It evolved quite a bit. Here's my idea:

Thorin (pony, the Oakenshield, Orcrist)
Dwalin (pony)
Dori (pony)
Bombur (pony)

Saruman the White (horse) Leader
Legolas (horse, armour)


The hardest part was choosing between Beorn and Radagast on Eagle; the wizard gives me more tactical flexibility and works well with Bombur, and Beorn on the other hand provides sheer power. However, considering that I know I'm going to play only versus Evil with this list (because I'm taking two armies) I think Beorn will perform better, cause a) he doesn't care about the wraiths as much as Raddy does, and b) beacause I need long hurls to cope with evil's big numbers.
What do you think about the hero selection? Is there enough power there? How can I improve these?

Any comments will be much appreciated, especially backed up by explanations. I'm very interested in your opinion, I have to say that these are not the armies that I usually play, so I'm curious how would they perform. Thank you.

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