The One Ring |
Fluff army assistance - Thorin's CoH |
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Author: | Grimhammer19 [ Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:04 am ] |
Post subject: | Fluff army assistance - Thorin's CoH |
Hey team I have my first tournament coming up at the end of September (apart from a small GW run round robin). I'm excited to have my first taste of competitive play however I don't personally want to go too heavily comp. I have a couple main ideas I want to run: One being a War of the Ring, Erebor defense theme with Dain on boar (dwalin on pony profile), Thorin, a King's Champion all leading a mix of Erebor dwarves and Khazard guard. This is the more competitive of the two and I enjoy playing it, however I came up with another theme which is: Beorn, Gandalf on horse, Bilbo on pony and Balin on pony. This represents the Bilbo's journey back to the shire where they encountered many more adventures. I know Balin didn't travel with them but he did visit Bilbo later on. Just wondering how well this second list would perform. Apart from Beorn in bear form, the heroes are generally squishy but I think it could work with the combination of Beorn's brute strength, Gandalf's casting and Bilbo's Ring shenanigans. Balin can camp on an objective or run around with Gandalf whilst rerolling priority die. I know it's not heavily competitive but I do believe it would be a blast to play with and I have played a lot with Beorn so I know generally how to run him, the others - not so much. Any thoughts or suggestions on what to look out for or things I may not have thought about would be very much appreciated Cheers EDIT: 500 point tournament, second list is on the dot |
Author: | JamesR [ Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Fluff army assistance - Thorin's CoH |
I haven't played a game with Beorn but what I can tell you is all hero lists tend to struggle at tournaments. You need numbers for most scenarios such as Domination or recon |
Author: | Bronf [ Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Fluff army assistance - Thorin's CoH |
going to ask my fluffy question here then since this topic is about fluff. what about a 750 point mordor troll army? how would that do vsing a competitive force? |
Author: | Galanur [ Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Fluff army assistance - Thorin's CoH |
my advice: if yu take big heroes the remain must be a) mostly basic troops, horde like to tie up annoying stuff and let your sledgehammer heroe do the important killing. b) yu need very good combination of heroes and super well (this option should only be taken after many testings and NOT 1st time attempt list for ally him with. some recomendations: laketown with bard in it. bard can be super for militia and since yu got nasty bear the oponent will be more worried about him than shutting down bard. other option druadan men..... it will force u to take otger heroes like gwaihir treebeard and such to spam druadan but overall a good complement to beorn and funny as they hate orcs like beorn :p |
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