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 Post subject: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:37 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:59 pm
Posts: 11
I am used to playing dwarves and have only played elves once, which were all mounted. I am looking for a very competitive elf force. I am only saying wood elves because I think that I would enjoy painting the wood elf warriors a lot. I am happy to ally too though! I also need opinions on whether or not I could use the new models, such as legolas and thranduil, using them as the old models. Just because they look better, and thranduil is oop. 600 points please, my other post didn't mention it. Thanks guys and gals!

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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:06 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:56 am
Posts: 41
If you want a competitive elf army, the Lothlorien/Mirkwood List is a damn good starting point. For heroes I'd say Legolas, Thranduil, Galadriel and Rumil, in that order of preference; we all know how good leggy is, old Thranduil is a royal pain in the a*s with the Circlet of Kings (Nature's Wrath on a 6 can win games if you get lucky and use it well), Galadriel gets the Blinding Light and Immobilise in your list while still being able to use troops and Rumil is a nice close-combat choice where your other heroes are more shooting/support based. As for using new models as old models, I'd say most people would be OK with it, it's not a big issue, especially if you can't buy the proper one any more and there's a perfectly credible alternative i.e. the case of old Thranduil now being OOP.
Possible list:
W1: Legolas with Armour and Elven Cloak (Leader)
4 Wood Elf Warriors with Wood Elf Spears
4 Wood Elf Warriors with Elf Bow and Wood Elf Spears
3 Wood Elf Warriors with Elven Blade
1 Guard of the Galadhrim Court

W2: Thranduil leading the same as Legolas

W3: Galadriel
2 Wood Elf Warriors with Wood Elf Spears
1 Wood Elf Warrior with Elven Blade and Wood Elf Spear
1 Wood Elf Warrior with Elf Bow and Wood Elf Spear
1 Mirkwood Guard with Elf Bow and Wood Elf Spear
1 Guard of the Galadhrim Court

600 points, 10 Bows, 33 models, 9 might with some F6 pike supports (Guards of the Galadhrim Court) thrown in here and there to help you hold up enemy heroes
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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:22 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm
Posts: 448
Location: Richmond, VA
How about something like this, no galadriel, but you keep immobilise on a 3+ , you get three full warbands instead of 2.5 and the ability to get pike support in more than one place. The elven blades are not that great on an elf unless you are fighting a lot of other f5 things.

Eregion and Rivendell
Gildor Inglorion
4 Wood Elf Warrior with Elf Bow; Wood Elf spear;
8 Wood Elf Warrior with Wood Elf spear;

Lothlórien and Mirkwood
4 Wood Elf Warrior with Elf bow; Wood Elf spear;
4 Wood Elf Warrior with Wood Elf spear;
4 Guard of the Galadhrim Court

Thranduil, King of Mirkwood with Armour; Elf bow;
4 Wood Elf Warrior with Elf bow; Wood Elf spear;
5 Wood Elf Warrior with Wood Elf spear;
3 Guard of the Galadhrim Court

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:56 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:57 pm
Posts: 137
Gildor not worth his salt honestly.
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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:13 pm 

Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 7:28 pm
Posts: 45
Location: Poland
Gildor is rubbish, nice fluffy character, but please don't play him if you're not playing with Noldorin Exiles for fun. He's really bad compared to other options. As for the 600 of pure elves, I usually play something like that:

Legolas (cloak, armour)
1/3 Wood Elves with bows
2/3 Wood Elves with spears
2 Guards of Galadhrim Court

You get around 40 models and 14 bows, which is huge. Magic, lots of might, some tricks, it's all there. If you're going competive, try it and good luck!
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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:28 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:59 pm
Posts: 11
Thanks for all of the replies! I would've thought that thranduil's option would be used a lot (also hoping so I could use mirkwood rangers to show the difference!) Are there any companies that do wood elf spears that you can just attach to guys so they have a spear and a bow for instance? Another thing I that can you parry and have another wood elf supporting and parrying? What kind of tactic should I use? I'll try to merge each army suggested as I like parts of all! Thanks guys!

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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:52 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm
Posts: 448
Location: Richmond, VA
Since the parry falls under the shielding rule, no you can not support a shielding model. Also note that everyone in the fight must shield or none may shield. The easiest advice for wood elves is to remember not to engage in H2H too quickly, sit back and use those 3+ to hit S3 bows, wood elves are fragile since they are only D3. Otherwise it is a little army/scenario dependent.
A lot of companies make spears that can be purchased as bitz off ebay( I like wargames factory myself ), but another way/thing to do is to get hollow brass rod(or aluminum if you can find it), cut to length, flatten and shape the end into a spear tip. Prime and paint.

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:11 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:59 pm
Posts: 11
I couldn't find any wood elf spears to use? Would you be able to link a site?

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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:00 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm
Posts: 448
Location: Richmond, VA
If you are in the UK look into Perry or someone like them, there are a lot
fir example
scroll down ... on-bcda011

in the US
ask this company if they will sell you just spears

or buy a box ... k-hoplites
or ... an-weapons

or ... egionaries

I have ordered these and been happy with them ... 152013-3-6

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: Competitive Wood Elves!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:59 pm
Posts: 11
The Perry ones look nice I may get some of those! Would they work for wood elves though?

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