The One Ring

Easterlings w/ Mumak, how to fit into 650pts?
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Author:  Dr. Cheesesteak [ Sun Aug 23, 2015 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Easterlings w/ Mumak, how to fit into 650pts?

New player here, only have a few games under my belt over a few weeks. I'll try to make this short and sweet!

I have:

Amdur, Lord of Blades x1
Easterling War Priest x1
Easterling Captain on horse x1
Easterling Warrior w/ pike + shield x15
Easterling Warrior w/ sword + shield x16
Easterling Warrior w/ bow x16
Easterling Kataphrakt x9
War Mumak of Harad x1 (w/ 1 Haradrim Chieftian, 12 Haradrim Warriors - 6 spears, 6 bows)
Banner x1 (no model, just a loose banner I can put on someone I guess)

My local group (mostly new players as well, due to the "death" of another Fantasy game) seems to be having 650pts be the standard game size. I have yet to field my Mumak.

When doing test-lists, I tend to come to something like this:

Warriors w/ pikes + shield x12 (upgraded to BDs)

War Priest (solo)

Mumak w/ Gnarled Hide
3~5 Haradrim Warriors of some sort

My question is what is the best way to outfit the Mumak if I want that Amdur phalanx and War Priest as part of my 650pt list? Is Gnarled Hide as mandatory as I think? Should I put bows in the howdah and if so buff them for the +1 hit? Or just a couple spearmen w/ Rocks? etc

Any and all input is appreciated! Thanks

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