The One Ring

750 Lothlorien/Mirkwood tournament army.
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Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  750 Lothlorien/Mirkwood tournament army.

Hey guys, I have a tournament in a couple weeks and I'm having trouble deciding between these two lists. The first one has more models,cavalry,and a better theme, but the second one has better heroes and magic (though it is less themed). I haven't decided if the warband composition is going to be exactly like this, but I'm pretty happy in terms of the actual soldiers themselves.

Haldir w/armour,bow
-9 GW w/bow
-1 GW w/shield
-2 WEW w/spear

-3 GW w/blade
-5 GGC
-1 GW w/banner
-3 GW w/bow

-7 GW w/spear,shield
-3 WEW w/spear
-2 GW w/bow

Galadhrim Captain w/shield,horse
-4 GK w/shield


44 models, 23 dead to break, 9 might, 14 bows + 2

*I'm probably going to change the composition of this one, move some of the guards around and maybe group the bows together.

Or this instead:

Haldir w/armour,bow
-5 GW w/bow
-7 WEW w/bow

-3 GW w/s,s
-7 WEW w/s
-3 GGC

-2 GGC
-3 GW w/b
-1 GW w/ban
-1 GW w/s,s
-4 GW w/s

Legolas w/armour,cloak


40 models, 21 dead to break, 12 might, 12 bows + 5

*I'm thinking of putting the 7 wood elves with bows in Legolas's warband so he doesn't get isolated

The Galadhrim with their D4 should come in handy because there tends to be a decent number of good players and a decent amount of S3 going around. That being said the wood elves are in the force to save some points so I can give my heroes the equipment they need.
Thanks for any input you guys have!

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 Lothlorien/Mirkwood tournament army.

You could keep Lego with or without warband but I'd take number two every time. Gk have never been worth their points in a game I've seen them and I've seen them played quite a bit.

Author:  Glory4gondor [ Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 Lothlorien/Mirkwood tournament army.

List 2.

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 Lothlorien/Mirkwood tournament army.

I thought up one other change that i could do, a slight alteration on list 2.

-4 GW w/bow
-7 WEW w/bow

-2 GW w/s,s
-8 WEW w/s
-2 GGC

-3 GGC
-3 GW w/b
-1 GW w/ban
-1 GW w/s,s
-2 GW w/s

Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood (new) w/horse

37 models, 19 dead to break, 12 might, 11 bows + 5

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 Lothlorien/Mirkwood tournament army.

Don't be so quick to overlook Galadhrim Knights. They have woodland creature and can move 12" a turn, perfect for charging through woods/ capturing objectives.

Only a fool would use them for a head on charge, that isnt where their strength lies. Use them to attack the flanks of a battle line or hang them back and ping a few bow shots off.

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