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 Post subject: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:53 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:34 pm
Posts: 5
Dear fellow players,

This is my first post as a member and I would like some advice on my list before I paint everything:

Warband 1:
Witch-king with M1 W10 F1 (leader)
Mordor troll
3 Mordor uruk-hai
1 Orc warrior ; banner
3 Orc warrior ; shield
3 Orc warrior ; spear
points: 270

Warband 2:
Nazgul with M1 W7 F1
3 Mordor uruk-hai
1 Orc warrior ; banner
3 Orc warrior ; shield
4 Orc warrior ; spear

Warband 3:
Nazgul with M1 W7 F1
3 Mordor uruk-hai
1 Orc warrior ; banner
3 Orc warrior ; shield
5 Orc warrior ; spear
points: 167

total: 598
models: 37
breaking: 18,5

Sooo what do you guys think?


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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:06 pm 
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I'm not a player, but I do have a similar all infantry 500 points Morannon army that I field at times when I do play. So I'm wondering what gamers will have to say about here being no cavalry and no archers in your list. Also the variable questions of types of scenarios being run and the enemy forces you're up against.

Oh, and welcome by the way!

My Lotr backlog: 305/952[][][][][][][][][][]32% completed
Painting Lineup: Mumakil x2, Rohan Heroes x8, Haradrim, SKoDA
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:10 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:16 pm
Posts: 215
Max out your Might points: Might wins games. I strongly suggest dropping all Banners; generally not worth the points. Mordor Uruks are not impressive...are you including them only because you have the models? If so, they need shields. Your Witch King needs a horse (or Fell Beast) for sight lines and manuverability, plus a Fate point or two if he is your leader (one lucky Elf arrow and he is dead). Orcs are squishy: low defense and fight. Black Numenorians with Orc Spears are your best bet, if possible (Defense 6, Fight 4 plus Terror). Trolls are good, but first to die, especially with no Might or Will. Maybe replace one Nazgul (the other two are plenty) with a Troll Chieften, instead. Consider:

Witch King Mounted 3M 12W 2F
6 BN
6 Orc Spear

Nazgul 2M 9W
6 BN
6 Orc Spear

Troll Chieften
6 BN
6 Orc Spear

At this points level, you will dominate; lots of magic, a hard to kill Monster with Might, and tough troops. Bows are nerfed to pointless in most Evil lists, and cavalry got suddenly fragile with Brutal Power Attacks. Get Lonely Knight's excellent SBG Armybuilder

Hope this helps--and welcome!
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:30 am 

Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:34 pm
Posts: 5
Thanks for the fast reply! I don't know if I need to or how I tag you into my reply.

To Scarilege83:
I guess the answer has been given in the reply of Rozinante haha but thanks.

To Rozinante:
I do like your opinion, if I didn't give the witch-king a mount than the list you wrote was 600 points. With mount it is :

Witch-king ; M3 W12 F2, Armoured Fell Beast
5 BN
5 Orc Spear

Nazgul ; M2 W9 F0
5 BN
4 Orc Spear

Mordor troll chieftan
4 BN
4 Orc Spear

Total: 599 points
Models: 30
breaking: 15

I think the lack of strength with the core only 3, so maybe(?) replace the BN with Mordor Uruk-Hai?

Again thanks for replying and thank you for welcoming!
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:50 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:16 pm
Posts: 215
Looks like you traded in 9 foot soldiers for a Fell Beast: why not? I love a Flying Monster to dismount Cavalry or scare them into uselessness. This is a really Monster heavy list at 600 points: it could do really well, if your Monsters do a lot of damage--and stay alive long enough. Don't let them get isolated (even a Goblin horde can eventually overwelm a Monster alone) and keep them away from heroes --especially Elven ones.

Personally, I stay away from lower troop numbers with Evil, because getting broken will have too many failing courage tests--especially dangerous with spread out scenarios like Domination.

Mordor Uruks have F4, right? Trade off on lower defense for higher strength: why not?
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:15 pm 

Joined: Mon May 18, 2015 10:24 pm
Posts: 256
Hello. I am the official troll for mordor army building...

It's nice to see someone take mordor uruk-hai. There is something traditional with them. By books they were quite new invention, and it is hard to say if witchking lived long enough to use them... seems he did.

As a troll I always encourage people take a troll into the army. Troll chieftain is better than normal troll. Fellbeast seems a little overkill. Maybe you could try get a little more mass, something like this? Overall: 599p, 8m, 48unit.

*Witch-King 2-10-1
-10 mordor urukhai

*Troll chieftain
-12 orc warrior

*Orc Captain
-12 orc warrior

*Orc Captain
-10 orc warrior
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:53 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:16 pm
Posts: 215
Yes: this army list will use the swarm tactics of a larger (but weaker) army instead of the massed power of double Monsters. It could work really well if played skillfully. I prefer smaller, stronger elite armies --and rarely have trouble against swarm tactics if I can prevent flanking.
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:16 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:34 pm
Posts: 5
Nice to see al the response, this is it right now:

Warband1 - 253 points
The witch-king ; M3 W12 F2, Armoured fell beast
2 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Two-handed weapon
3 Mordor Uruk-hai
5 Orc ; Spear

Warband2 - 132 points
Nazgul ; M2 W9 F0, Horse
1 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Two-handed weapon
4 Mordor Uruk-hai
5 Orc ; Spear

Warband3 - 212 points
Mordor troll chieftan
2 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Two-handed weapon
3 Mordor Uruk-hai
5 Orc ; Spear

Total: 600 points
Models: 34
Breaking point: 17

Again what do you guys think?

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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:03 pm 

Joined: Mon May 18, 2015 10:24 pm
Posts: 256
Why 2 nazgul? Nazguls mostly transfix enemies, so they are only good if enemy has some "big units".
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:14 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:34 pm
Posts: 5
Well the C6 is handy when I'm broken, the drain courage is good when my enemy is broken. Transfix for heroes, sap will for enemy wizards. All kind of goodness. Also def 8 is Nice.
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:26 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:37 pm
Posts: 235
I like the latest rendition a lot. Love Mordor Uruk Hai, they're a tad squishy but they kill things so well. My chief concern is that your second Ringwraith is going to drop like a fly every single game, he needs at least a fate point.

To answer Salattu's question, at this points level, you're going to see the Treebeards and Sarumans, this army has a fell beast and a troll, other armies can do the same. Some heroes are too immediate a threat to trust just one Ringwraith to deal with them, especially when he's your army leader and only has 12 will.

That brings up another concern, it's okay to have low will on the WK and still mount him on a Fell Beast, but you do need to be careful when playing him. He's there for important combats I would say.
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:04 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:34 pm
Posts: 5
Soo Mr. dude, maybe this is better:

Warband1 - 250 points
Witch-king ; M3 W12 F2, Armoured Fell Beast
2 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Two-handed weapon
3 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Shield
5 Orc ; Spear

Warband2 - 135 points
Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol ; Shield
1 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Two-handed weapon
4 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Shield
5 Orc ; Spear

Warband3 - 215 points
Mordor troll chieftan
2 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Two-handed weapon
3 Mordor Uruk-hai ; Shield
5 Orc ; Spear

Total: 600 points
Models: 33
Breaking: 17

Soo again what does everyone thinks?
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 Post subject: Re: 600 points Mordor
PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:38 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:37 pm
Posts: 235
I liked the one before better, but if you're happy playing this one then that's what you follow. Whichever list you feel is better probably will be better because you'll use it more effectively.

If you want my opinion, I would take the 2 Ringwraith army, change the second Ringwraith from 2-9-0 to 2-7-2, downgrade the Fell Beast to a normal one and use the 20 points to give the Witch King and extra fate and 3 will. Again, that's just how I would do it, each of us will give you a very different opinion.
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