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 Post subject: Mumak Party Bus
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:45 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:03 pm
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So today I was playing the Battle of Pelennor Fields scenario (held by the DCHL) with a bunch of pals at my local GW. I was controlling a Mumak in the game, and when setting up we were allowed to pick two upgrades and whatever crew we wanted, including Half Trolls. Now, for the game I didn't do such, but it certainly gave me a zainy idea, which I lovingly call: The Mumak Party Bus.

Warband 1: Harad and Umbar
War Mumak of Harad (with all upgrades but Rocks!) (Leader)
- Harradrim Warrior with War horn
- Harradrim Warrior of Abrakhan
- 10 Half Trolls with Two-handed weapons
700 points, 13 models, 3 might

Now this is a fun list, nothing designed to be seriously competitive, but I just wanted to run it by y'all to see if this could be any further optimized. Basically, the list is simple, trample people with the Mumak and rappel the Half Trolls into combat. The War horn is there to help with the low courage of the Half Trolls, and the Abrakhan warrior is meant to be a replacement for the Beastmaster when he (inevitably) dies.

So, what do y'all think?
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 Post subject: Re: Mumak Party Bus
PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:12 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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I dunno.... its seems fun but.... a mumak with 4 trample attacks get a -1 to stampede courage test thing, that aint very nice that often you know.

Also youre taking one of the most important aspects on the mumak crew, they do not test for courage regardless as long the´re in the howdah, the moment you get those trolls down, they will be subjected to courage stuff... breaking 7 models in that force aint 2 hard specially with enough bows not to mention breaking courage tests (as courage 3 average aint that great)... random 6 bows take 1 half troll in average, the mumak cant get inside terrain features... if your oponent is smart he will play so much with that as he shoot shoot shoot and you cant reply back.

The horn do nullify sort of the foul temperament of the mumak however... still not sure...
Also other important aspect of the game, the might, 3 might at 700 aint much to push you through, you have to be extremely carefull using it, and cause its the guy in fron of the howdah hes prob gonna be the 1st model to be targetted right of the bat as not only hes the closest but also hes the key to rent your mumak usefull with might points... without might (im not underestimating) but hes no far better than a Balrog in long term. Cheap heroes with might can tie up his moves and even outmatch him in fights if possible...

This list can go good or the most likely terribly bad...

You would have more fun with 2 mumaks and 150pts to use on troops.
But no better than trying out yourself anf see if you like it of course... if this list suits you, go ahead.

Ps* at games you will likely gonna trample in average on your own will without giving your oponent a choice to get away like 3/5x and at least 1 of it gonna be on your own army.
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 Post subject: Re: Mumak Party Bus
PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:32 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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If was me at 700pts I would get (and its hard to make a list on this)

war mumak of Harad
- mahud beastmaster chieftain
- sigil of defiance
- 5 warriors of karna with bow

war mumak of Harad
- sigil of defiance
- 4 warriors of karna with bow


2 mumaks, 5 might, not plenty bows but still some at 3+ to hit.
- every 1 on howdah is resistant to magic (so renders better your anti magic role) and a 6+ "fury" on the crew up top.
its not a go down and spank spank, still can be usefulll....

If you wanted more fun of a sort...

war mumak of Harad
- mahud beastmaster chieftain
- sigil of defiance
- 10 warriors of karna
- 1 hornblower

10 haradrim warriors with spears

10 haradrim warriors with spears


Its a tricky list but can be really usefull... Place the taskmasters beside the mumak (either side) ... the big thing make an heroic action, like movement or the run to move extra 3" (5" for the mumak) and you got 2x chances on a 4+ to make that a free might move.
use the haradrim as bodyguard the mumak keeping a wide open line as they have courage 4 (as the enemy need to reach the shooting distance to get the hornblower)

You also have courage 6 commander controlling the mumak, it wont be so easy for an enemy to break your will to lose control and even if he turns to magic to reduce courage youre resistant to magic!!

if you wanna spare a couple points remove half the haradrim spears on the foot guys and get em axes (prob that is cheap and competitive) but works just fine hey? :P
Also you got an impressive 10 shoots units up top... if you remove 10 pts on spears than you can upgrade all those guys on top to watchers of karna (although its useless as they cant get down....)

or just get more bows on the foot guys (you can go half the army with bows... so thats around 15 ish bows)
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 Post subject: Re: Mumak Party Bus
PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:28 am 
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Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:04 am
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
Reminds me of something my local group came up with haha

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