The One Ring

Harad 650 pts
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Author:  GreenWood [ Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Harad 650 pts


I recently stumbeled across a lot of Harad models, so now I need to come up with a list based on the models that I've got.

76 harad warriors (approx 50/50 mix of spear and Bow)
9 merchant guards
2 half trolls
The command box (chieftain, taskmaster, banner and horn)
1 mounted chieftain

From before i've got a wraith and an old metal dark elf assasin that I will proxie as a Hasharin.

So for 650 points I was thinking this:

Warband 1 6/12
3 Haradrim Warrior with Spear;
1 Haradrim Warrior with War horn;
2 Half Troll of Far Harad
Warband 2 9/12
Haradrim Chieftain with Spear;
6 Haradrim Warrior with Spear;
3 Abrakhân Merchant Guard
Warband 3 9/12
Haradrim Taskmaster
6 Haradrim Warrior with Spear;
3 Abrakhân Merchant Guard
Warband 4 12/12
The Betrayer
12 Warrior of Kârna with Bow;
649 points/ 40 models

What do you guys think?

Author:  Rozinante [ Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Harad 650 pts

too many heroes; max up your warbands; all bows must have spears (shooting ends quickly: they must be able to support).
Based only on what you have, I vote:

12 Warriors of Karna with Bow and Spear

2 Halftrolls
4 Abrakham Guard
5 Harad Spears
1 Harad Spear with Banner

5 Abrakham Guard
6 Warriors of Karna with Bow and Spear
1 Harad Spear

This is OK, despite low defense & fight. However, Watchers of Karna are some of the game's best elites for their points... If you could convert or proxity, I'd prefer:

Betrayer (or KofUmber) on Fell Beast, Taskmaster and Chieften
17 Watchers with Bow, backed up with Harad Spear support, and those 2 Half Trolls.

With Fight 4 and three Attacks, you will win most fights--with 17 of the best Evil bows in the game.


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