The One Ring

Dol Amroth 500pts vs Umbar for Beginners
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Author:  Galanur [ Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Dol Amroth 500pts vs Umbar for Beginners

Im planning teaching new guys around here and some of em know the supplement related to Dol Amroth. (btw I did made the book supplement with pics and all :P)

I normally allow 5pts above the Marging anyway...

Dol Amroth Side:

Warband 1
Sir Rovalan on foot
6 Knights of Dol Amroth
6 Man at arms of Dol Amroth with pike

Warband 2
Captain of Dol Amroth
5 Man at arms of Dol Amroth with bow
2 Knights of Dol Amroth

Warband 3
Palladin of Dol Amroth with lance and armoured horse
4 Knights of Dol Amroth on horse with lance

Total: 502pts

I do know the force Greatly Benefit with Imrahil around, but then I wanted a more like Dol Amroth Garrison as Imrahil can´t be everywhere.

might: 8
models: 26

For the guy who goes with Dol Amroth, he got some variety on roles in the field. He can test up low capacity heroes, medium and high and I´ve included one of each.
Also I gave plenty number of knights to be around on foot along with teaching him some spear support and bow and of course, the prize jewel of Dol Amroth, the mounted knights.

As an oposite force im fielding this.


Warband 1
Dalamyr, Fleetmaster of Umbar
6 Corsairs with shield
6 Corsairs with boarding pike

Warband 2
Corsair Bo´sun with crossbow
3 Corsair Arbelesters
6 Corsairs with shield
3 Corsairs with boarding pike

Warband 3
Corsair Captain with shield
4 Corsair Reavers
4 Corsairs with shield
4 Corsairs with bow

total: 502pts
might: 3
models: 39

Unlike the knights, these corsairs offers a plenty variety of weapons and numbers

What you guys think? gonna be a fun battle bettewn the 2'?

Author:  Spike117 [ Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Amroth 500pts vs Umbar for Beginners

Awesome! It looks balanced, (I'm not sure though), but it looks like a blast! Love the new models too. Both lists give each player a lot to toy around with and get familiar with. Also, it seems very thematic, which is nice!

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