The One Ring |
Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
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Author: | OilyJohn [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:19 am ] |
Post subject: | Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
Hi all, I recently have gotten into the hobby through playing a battle companies campaign with some friends. This is the first army I am going to build so any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if this is illegal ![]() ----Warband 1 - 200 pts---- Rivendell Knight Captain with shield 5 Rivendell Knights with shields ----Warband 2 - 179 pts---- Elladan with heavy armour 4 High Elf Warriors with shields and spears 6 High Elf Warriors with elven blades ----Warband 3 -119 pts---- Elrohir with heavy armour 4 High Elf Warriors with elf bows ----Totals---- 498 pts 8 Might 5 Will 5 Fate 22 Models Also do you think 500 is the right points value to be starting off with? Just to note, my friends will most likely start off with Dwarf/Easterling/Rohan armies so any advice on playing against them them would be very helpful. ![]() |
Author: | Dr Grant [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
Hya 500 points is a good points value to play and allows for some varied lists. To be honest though, the game works well from as little as 350 points onwards, as soon as each side has a couple of warbands then it's good fun. As for your list, it's illegal for the reason you were worried about in your other post, the twins have to go in the same warband so you'll need another hero to lead the remaining 4 elves. Obviously you don't have the points for the extra hero so my advice would be to put one of the elves in the other warband and then use the points from the last 3 elves to get another Rivendell Knight. Hope that helps! |
Author: | Tourin TLA [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
So your army might look like this Elladen and Elrohir with Heavy Armour and Elf Bow 3 High Elves with Elven Blade 4 High Elves with Elf Bow 4 High Elves with Spear and Shield Rivendell Knight Captain with Shield 6 Rivendell Knights with Shield 500, 20 models I had ten points left over so the twins got elf bows. Not sure who your leader would be tho. Hope this helps |
Author: | OilyJohn [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:58 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
Thanks for the advice guys, what I was thinking was that i could just put the 4 high elf warriors with bows in warband 1 (if that's legal) and give 2 of them elven blades to use up the remainder of my points. Also the only problem i found with your suggestion Tourin is that Rivendell knights come in boxes of 6, including 1 captain, and I can't find any individual knights anywhere so I would have to spend another £25.49 (Element Games price) for only 1 model that I would be using. However I would definitely consider that list if I were to buy another box for whatever reason. Definitely a good looking list though, Thanks! |
Author: | Wan Shi Tong [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
If those are all the models you have at present you could ask your friends to let you house rule the knights into the Rivendell list. That way the knight captain could lead the four bowmen since you can only have 12 in a warband. |
Author: | OilyJohn [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:21 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
This is the second development of the list after some feedback. Rivendell - 500 pts ----Warband 1 - 246 pts---- Rivendell Knight Captain with shield 5 Rivendell Knights with shields 2 High Elf Warriors with elf bows and elven blades 2 High Elf Warriors with elf bows ----Warband 2 - 254 pts---- Elladan with heavy armour Elrohir with heavy armour 4 High Elf Warriors with shields and spears 6 High Elf Warriors with elven blades |
Author: | Wan Shi Tong [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
You'd better edit your post to remove the individual points cost. The admins wont let us post anything smaller than a warband total for legal reasons. That aside the list looks fine. |
Author: | OilyJohn [ Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
Thanks, I didn't know that, the list has been ammended. |
Author: | Rozinante [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:46 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
I love the High Elf Cav models --but they are very expensive, points wise, in a 500 list (in an already expensive army). Also, they are especially vunerable to Monsters that hurl (instant foot models...) and re-charges (a 20+ point model becomes a 1 attack victim). Not sure if you are interested in a competative army (winning can be fun), but I recommend: The Twins with horse, bow & armour: 6 High Elf shields, 2 High Elf spears, 3 Noldorian Exiles with bow and Wood Elf spears Gildor Inglorian: 6 High Elf Shields, 2 High Elf spears, 4 Noldorian Exiles with bow & wood elf spears. You'll have 7 Might (most might to play the final round often wins...), Killer heroes, a touch of magic immobilizing, 26 units, a tough Shield wall fully supported with spears (very important), 7 of the best bows in the game, and those zeven can move further than Cavalry (if helped with a Heroic Move) for scenarios where speed & distance is vital. And plastic High Elves are cheap on EBay, easy to convert--especially with some Instant Mold for shields. Enjoy. |
Author: | LordElrond [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
You can't have Noldorin exiles in the Twins' warband. Only Gildor can lead them. |
Author: | OilyJohn [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
The thing with converting the High Elf Shields is that the only plastic high elf models I have seen are the ones attached (yes they're mine, no they're not finished and they are also the first miniatures I have ever painted ![]() is that there is not really anywhere to put the shield as the arms on the elven blade model are both up in the air holding the elven blade. p.s. What do you think of the colour on the armour of the archer. (it is auric armour gold with a wash of biel-tan green) Another thought that I have just had is that I would definitely be up for make a last alliance army, obviously high elves allied with numenor. |
Author: | Rozinante [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
Yes: only Gildor can lead them (thanks) simply adjust the numbers. As to conversions: snip between the hands of the upheld sword, then snip arm(s) off and adjust for the shield. For spears, simply attach one across the back or get fancy and snip off the sword and replace with spear halves. Good luck. Elves make strong armies. |
Author: | OilyJohn [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
Thanks for the help, I will hopefully get some of the necessary things for conversions soon along with the wood elves. Would you recommend making spears out of green stuff or a different method with something else? |
Author: | General Ly Average [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
What I did with my High Elves in need of spears was to use the spare lances from the Rivendell Knight box I have, trimmed them down to the correct length for High Elf spears, filed the ones with hands on them and used modelling putty to make them look like spears in a cloth loop to keep them in place. I then stuck them on the back of my High Elf Bowmen. Of course if you're adept with Green Stuff then try that, or alternatively some third party spears could provide a unique and almost certainly cost effective alternative. Hope this helps and good on you for getting involved in the hobby! |
Author: | OilyJohn [ Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
Thanks very much for the help, I am thoroughly enjoying the hobby side of things as well as the gaming aspect even though I currently only have 15 miniatures sitting on my desk. Not for long I am sure! ![]() |
Author: | rumtap [ Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:21 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rivendell/High Elves 500 pts (First Army!) |
I've seen these models converted to spears by cutting off the sword, adding a thick enough section of wire for the length of the spear and then using the blade from the sword as the spear head. |
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