The One Ring |
Mixed Elf List |
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Author: | ElfGeneral [ Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:41 am ] |
Post subject: | Mixed Elf List |
Any suggestions for this list, I've gone for numbers over super expensive heroes so I'd appreciate no 'take Glorfindel instead of Erestor' comments but fully invested in changing troop or even bringing in allies, could drop the Rivendell knights for Erkenbrand and some riders of Rohan maybe? or maybe take some Arnor ---- Eregion and Rivendell ---- Warband 1 12/12 Erestor with Elven cloak 6 High Elf Warrior with Shield; 2 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear; 4 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow; Spear; ---- Lothlórien and Mirkwood ---- Warband 1 11/12 Rúmil; 8 Wood Elf Warrior with Wood Elf spear; 3 Wood Elf Warrior with Elf bow; Wood Elf spear; ---- Elrond's Household ---- Warband 1 6/12 Rivendell Knight Captain with Shield; 6 Knight of Rivendell with Shield; ---- Thranduil's Hall ---- Warband 1 6/12 Tauriel; 3 Mirkwood Elves with Shield; 1 Mirkwood Elves with Elven glaive, Elf bow; 2 Mirkwood Elves with Elven glaive; 750 points, 39 models and 9 might |
Author: | LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:26 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mixed Elf List |
Im super tired right now but what jumps out is the small number of troops in your warbands, Erestors Cloak, and the fact you have all combat oriented heroes. Id say drop the Knights and form full stronger warbands or more troops and another. I think with D7 Erestor may not need the cloak, and you probably could throw a Legolas in there for anti wraith/shaman/whatever archery. Tauriel, Rumil, Erestor, and the KOR captain are all CQ heroes. Why not replace one with Lego? |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:08 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mixed Elf List |
LordoftheBrownRing wrote: Im super tired right now but what jumps out is the small number of troops in your warbands, Erestors Cloak, and the fact you have all combat oriented heroes. Id say drop the Knights and form full stronger warbands or more troops and another. I think with D7 Erestor may not need the cloak, and you probably could throw a Legolas in there for anti wraith/shaman/whatever archery. Tauriel, Rumil, Erestor, and the KOR captain are all CQ heroes. Why not replace one with Lego? All good points, little explaniation for my choices, Erestor has an elven cloak because I had 5 points left and thought as my leader it might be best if he of all the heroes had it. As for not having a lot of models I disagree, I don't have a huge number but 40 in and elf list isn't bad the warband split is mostly down the fact that Tauriel originally only had one model with her so I drew a couple from the other warbands so she had a small group with her. As always Legolas is always a great choice could remove a knight and replace Tauriel so the last warband looks like this. Warband 6/12 Legolas with Armour; 4 Mirkwood Elves with Shield and Elven Blade; 3 Mirkwood Elves with Elven glaive, Elf bow; 1 more guy overall - 2 more guys more archers and better equipment 750 points, 40 models and 9 might |
Author: | WhoelsebutHaldir [ Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Mixed Elf List |
Elven cloaks 10 pts for heroes, and if you take Legolas give him a cloak instead of Erestor and make him your leader. He is well suited to sitting back shooting and being safe than Erestor is. Honestly if you swap that warband in above that you mentioned I think the army would perform much better overall. |
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