The One Ring

Isengard 750
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Author:  Quinndalf [ Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Isengard 750

well what do you guys think?

12 uruk hai with crossbows
12 marauders 6 shield 3 bows
uruk shaman with armour
4 ferals 8 uruks with pike
uruk captain with heavy armour and shield
4 ferals 8 uruks with pike


get rid of Mahur and his warband and add named wraith on fell beast or Saruman

Author:  Salattu [ Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Isengard 750

If you plan to make a huge "phalanx" with those pikes, it could work. I made a new list based on idea of phalanx, with some extra.

-3 berserkers

-3 feral
-8 pike

-4 feral
-8 pike

-11 crossbows

Overall: 750p, 41 units, 8 might. Uglug can stand in front of pikes instead one feral. One crossbow off so points go nicely with 3 berserkers. Berserkers look good, and they hack well if saruman knocks enemies or even transfixes. Is this any near what you was looking for?

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