Hi everybody!
Some years ago, I started LotR SBG together with a friend of mine, but he quited the hobby

. Some days ago, he started to paint again and was more interested in the game. So I want to play against him again, however, I dont know, how I can make a strong army for him with his old minis. He owns the following minis:
24 warriors of Minas Tirith
24 rangers of Gondor
1 banner bearer of Minas Tirith
1 Captain of Minas Tirith
Faramir ft
Aragorn Elesar mtd & ft
1 bolt thrower
19 high elves (8 bows, 8 elven blades, 3 shield and spear)
1 high elve banner bearer
1 high elve captain
heroes of the west
1 Ent
Proxies are okay and you dont have to follow the warband/bow-limit rule that strict (but it would be nice, if the army is legal).
Please show me some low point armies (not more than 500 pts.) that he can creat with his minis.
Thank you very much,