The One Ring

750p Dragon army
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Author:  Salattu [ Sat May 23, 2015 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  750p Dragon army

Hello. I like dragons and beasts so i tried to make something strong, but still aesthetically pleasant. What would be the weaknesses of this list? Gil-galad? Archers? Any simple way to fix it? Strategy is kind of to have a strong morannon mass in middle and let fast troops go to kill archers... Dragon could visit mid and attempt free heroic combats etc.

*Dragon, wings (moria)
-9 wild warg
-3 giant spiders

*Orc Taskmaster (mordor)
-11 morannon orc
-1 orc banner carrier

*Orc Shaman (mordor)
-11 morannon orc

Overall: 748p, 38 units, 6 might + ability.

Author:  Salattu [ Tue May 26, 2015 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 750p armys

Is this any better... I wish to make a beast-themic list kind of.

*Dragon, wings
-11 wild war
-1 bat swarm

-8 morannon orc
-4 giant spider

-12 orc warrior

Overall: 749points, 39 units, 5 might + ability.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Tue May 26, 2015 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750p armys

If its a thematic beast list you want I'd say drop the dragon for Burdur and a few trolls. Failing that you'll at least need to get the beast caller from the Moria list so you can use enrage beast on you creatures. A spider queen can be enraged as well to do about as much damage as a fireless dragon so you could get one of those. A warg chieftain is also I good choice if you'd rather go with an misty mountains/Angmar themed list over a mirkwood one with lost of spiders. Something like this would be fun to play:

cave troll x2
6 wild wargs

Warg chieftain
warg riders x4
wargs x6

Beast caller
giant spider x4
wargs x2
warg marauder x2
bat swarm

I am not sure how many points that would be but its defiantly beastish themed. You might also consider Azog's hunters if you want to add more cavalry to back up the wargs.

Author:  Salattu [ Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 750p armys

Very beast themic! Well, it lacks the dragon which i especially want. I guess my first list was good, maybe a bit hard explain heavy armors of orcs themically if i consider dragon indepedentant... i could replace wargs with warg riders but it means less "beast"... I need to think this yet. Is 750p good for dragon?

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