The One Ring

ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army
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Author:  Bronf [ Wed May 06, 2015 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

i mainly do higher point armys (750 and all that) but im going to a tourney that u have to have 300 pts army with a minimal 4 troops ion the army. i have made several army lists and here they are .

Haradrim Chiften, horse, bow,
haradrim raider, warspear, 8

Haradrim chiften, horse, bow,

Haradrim raider, bow, 7.

it is a low number force but with the 9 poison arrows flying at my foe i can hope to pick off a few numbers before charging into combat. i have 4 might with the hero's.

king of men, heavy armor, shield, horse
8 minas warriors (shield)
4 ranger's (spear)

8 minas warriors (shield)
4 rangers (spear)

just did a test run with it a few hours ago but it was boring playing other heavy armored army's since i need just 6's to wound and i was usually fighter higher fight opponents. though i do see it a solid list since it has 2 full warbands that i see a good hero in it.

2 goblin captains with shield. 1 goblin shaman. 35 moria goblins with shields and spear. lots of numbers but will die to a bow army easily.

any change's i should will be a g8 help

Author:  theavenger001 [ Wed May 06, 2015 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

I personally like the goblin list, though I'd drop 5 goblins and get 10 prowlers with bow. So 2 caps w/ shield, shaman, 10 w/spear, 10 w/ shield, 10 prowlers w/ bow. I really like the 4+ hit of prowlers, and they have throwing weapons for close combat which means they are a great reserve force that will hit harder than expected.

Author:  Bronf [ Wed May 06, 2015 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

i dont own any prowlers and i dislike orcbows just because its 18" and most orcs models that have a orc bow have 5+ to hit.

Author:  rumtap [ Thu May 07, 2015 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

i took moria to my last 300 point comp and the humble Goblin archer killed the dwimmerlaik with one shot, including an in the way :)

Author:  Bronf [ Thu May 07, 2015 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

those moment do happen form time to time. i had 4 moria goblin take down a isenguard troll (melee) first turn of combat.

Author:  Bronf [ Fri May 08, 2015 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

ok this is the list i'm going to be using. it has a good amount of bows it has a monster that i just wanted to use. and it will be very annoying to low courage troops.

black numenorean marshal. (shield)

great beast of gorgoroth.

10 black numenorean.

1 morgal knight.

all have terror has a monster that can take out cav with hurl. has 9 bows.and will be hard to take down.

Author:  rumtap [ Wed May 13, 2015 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

that looks like a fun list. numbers are always the issue with small lists but hopefully good quality troops can hold up.

Let us know how they perform.

Author:  Bronf [ Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ok i need help choosing a 300 pts army

way to late on how it proformed but they did wonderful though that beast was the frist to die every time but that's because i sent him into combat asap was fun using it. just there were to many damn berserk er army's

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