The One Ring |
750 point Dwarf Army |
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Author: | Afastr [ Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:22 pm ] |
Post subject: | 750 point Dwarf Army |
Just decided to start the hobby again and recently picked up some of the Dwarf Rangers to add to my existing old school dwarf army. Once I got my head around the requirement for Warbands I came up with the following Durin's folk list. FORCES OF GOOD Durin's Folk ---- Warband 1 12/12 Múrin and Drár 4 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Dwarf longbow; 3 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Two-handed weapon; Throwing axes; 4 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Throwing axes; ---- Warband 2 12/12 Dwarf Captain with Throwing axes; Shield; 2 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Dwarf longbow; 4 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Two-handed weapon; Throwing axes; 4 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Throwing axes; 2 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Dwarf longbow; Throwing axes; ---- Warband 3 12/12 Balin, son of Fundin with Durin's Axe; 1 Dwarf Warrior with Banner; 11 Dwarf Warrior Iron Hills Veteran with Shield; ---- *Just noticed I didn't put in the points cost. Costs to 748 if memory serves Intending to make the most of the Strength 4 units and throwing axes because that seems quite fun. I had considered reshuffling the list to have more Warriors with shields, and reducing the Ranger content of the army to just one Warband with longbows. Any thoughts? |
Author: | Dikey [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: 750 point Dwarf Army |
It's a good army. Lots of might and good numbers. I am not a fan of Dwarves rangers, I still hate the fact that the Common Dwarf bow is better than the Dwarf Longbow. It's the first dwarves army that focus mostly on shooting I've seen. Problem is: the list is very vulnerable to cavalry charges, magic and monsters. And those are things that one will definetely find at 750 pts. |
Author: | Afastr [ Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: 750 point Dwarf Army |
Hmmm True, I'll think about restructuring it. I did have a look on some statistics for the Dwarf Longbows, essentially the increased hit chance and longer works out that you should theoretically cause more casualties with Rangers. Based upon a table where you get an extra round of shooting from the longer weapon range of course. Otherwise I think it becomes a little circumstantial on which is better based on table size, enemy force etc. I've never actually used rangers before, I have always used Dwarf Archers, which usually end up being involved in a melee brawl later in the game and with their high defence stats they can happily handle themselves. I had been looking at shuffling the list and dropping balin and the banner and including a Kings champion instead with my shield warriors. I'm very keen to keep Murin and Drar for increasing the strength of the majority of the infantry. In terms of tackling the problems that you mention (Cavalry, Magic, Monsters). Can you think of any recommendations to improve the list? I had considered adding in a wizard of some description if I can find the space in the list (Floi what's his name or potentially Raddy is that's allowed). Will spend a bit of time generating an alternative list now, utilising standard warriors and dwarf bows. |
Author: | Dikey [ Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: 750 point Dwarf Army |
In my Dwarf Army I choose to use Raddy (you may take a look at the list if you want, you'll find it at in page 2 of this section). Raddy has Panic Steed which can get rid of enemy cavalry, can cast Immobilize on 3+ to stop monster (but, of course, a lucky will roll can nullify the spells as usual) and has Renew. Using Renew on a D8 Dwarf hero that is already hard to wound could ruin your opponent day. |
Author: | Afastr [ Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:22 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: 750 point Dwarf Army |
Thanks Dikey, all of those lists gave me more food for though. After further thought, I'd like the kings champ, murin and drar and raddy in a list , but then I think I would be very short on total numbers spending so much on heroes. I'll have to see if I can find my old Radagast miniature as well. I hate what wacko jacko did to Radagast in the hobbit. Here are the three lists I've managed to come up with. LIST ONE!! In this list I gave up with Murin and Drar and went for a more conventional army as I have played previously. 749 points. It contains an excessive number of banners (4 including the heralds), a number of these can be dropped to allow for more units - I'm thinking more KG with the herald for more STR 4 goodness. 34 models ---- Warband 1 6/12 King's Champion & Heralds 4 Khazâd Guard ---- Warband 2 12/12 Dwarf Captain with Throwing axes; Shield; 1 Dwarf Warrior with Banner; 6 Dwarf Warrior with Shield; 5 Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow; ---- Warband 3 12/12 Balin, son of Fundin with Durin's Axe; 1 Dwarf Warrior with Banner; 6 Dwarf Warrior with Shield; 5 Dwarf Warrior with Dwarf bow; ---- the White Council ---- Warband 1 Radagast the Brown ---- LIST TWO MURIN AND DRAR ARE KINGYS As previously mentioned I like Strength 4 units, I also like armies to relatively feasible in a middle earth universe context. With this army I've gone for a "Murin and Drar are having a nice wander with their rangers chums down to see Balin in Moria. Radagast thinks that would be a nice change of scenery so goes along for the ride" 31 models, 749 points. 22 Models are strength 4. :O ---- Warband 1 10/12 Múrin and Drár 9 Dwarf Ranger with Dwarf longbow; ---- Warband 2 6/12 Dwarf Captain with Throwing axes; Shield; 6 Dwarf Ranger Iron Hills Veteran with Throwing axes; ---- Warband 3 12/12 Balin, son of Fundin with Durin's Axe; 12 Dwarf Warrior Iron Hills Veteran with Shield; ---- the White Council ---- Warband 1 Radagast the Brown ---- LIST 3 EVERYONE WANTS A GO AT EVERYTHING This is just a little list trying to cram everything I want into an army. It's not really great but it's fun! (Maybe or something). 30 Model army 748 points, every unit is strength 4. No rangers is this one, intend to do a bit of shooting then get every unit I have rapidly involved in a mucky skirmish. Warband 1 12/12 Múrin and Drár 6 Dwarf Warrior Iron Hills Veteran with Shield; 5 Dwarf Warrior Iron Hills Veteran with Dwarf bow; ---- Warband 2 12/12 King's Champion & Heralds 6 Dwarf Warrior Iron Hills Veteran with Shield; 4 Khazâd Guard ---- Warband 3 2/12 Dwarf Captain with Throwing axes; Shield; 2 Dwarf Warrior Iron Hills Veteran with Shield; ---- the White Council ---- Warband 1 Radagast the Brown ---- Any further input into this would be greatly appreciated, rather enjoying playing around in Excel making these armies! |
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