Hi guys and gals. Long time lurker, first time poster. There's an upcoming 600pt tournament in April and I just wanted to get some of you veterans opinions of a list I really fancy the thought of taking

. Here it is.
Warband 1Elendil with Horse and Shield
6x Numenorean Warriors with Shields
5x Numenorean Warriors with Shields and Spears
1xNumenorean Warrior with Shield, Spear, Banner
Warband 2Gil-Galad with Armoured Horse (Leader)
6x High Elf Warriors with Shields
6x High Elf Warriors with Shields, Spears, and King's Guard Upgrade
It's 600pts exactly. I thought I would forgo shooting as I haven't found it has a huge impact for me and go for a more melee focused army.