First of all, thanks for the feedback everyone, I appreciate it.

Valadorn wrote:
Surely a nice skirmish-focused force. No suggestions just give it a try and post here a feedback

My only concern is the case you will face a heavy cavalry.
In the sense that I will get outmaneuvered (flanking or objectives) or that the will hit my lines and occupy my archers and I will have difficulty killing them while the main force closes in? (or something like that). I considered having one or two Serpent Riders for maneuvering purposes, but I would have to drop quite a few models for this and I fear it would just give juicy targets to shoot at (but I don't really know, I don't have much experience actually playing, more of a theory crafting angle). They would also help Suladin not get flanked if he wants to charge the full distance though.
JamesR wrote:
I'd highly recommend Abrakhan Guard, in CQC they are absolutely devastating with their +1 to wound w/o any penalty. They chop through even Dwarves with ease

, I will probably pick these up then, or at least 3 of them. Dwarves (or any heavily armored model) are what most concerns me in this force since S2 bows, and only S3 troops without AG.
LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
Unless someone takes all mounted Knights of Rivendell, he wont be out fought or out shot.....
Is this something I need to worry about or just a joke? xD haha. Either way I am mildly concerned about a shoot out with maxed out crossbow uruks though, now that I think about it.